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3月中旬是上海CAC展会后第一周,各个原药产品价格水落石出。今年的价格走势与往年不同,因为闰月的原因,气候变化比往年推迟了近一个月。杀虫剂:吡虫啉快到15万了3月中旬,吡虫啉的价格屡创新高。一直在138000元(吨价,下同)的成交价格上维持了近三周之后,出现了阶梯上涨, In mid-March is the first week after the Shanghai CAC exhibition, the prices of all the original drug products come out. This year’s price trend is different from previous years, because of the intercalary month, climate change than in previous years postponed nearly a month. Pesticides: Imidacloprid approaching 150,000 In mid-March, the price of imidacloprid hit record highs. Has been 138,000 yuan (t price, the same below) the transaction price on the maintenance of nearly three weeks after the rise of the ladder,
尊敬的用户,赛多利斯(Sartorius)于2012年3月推出一款全新的用于浓缩生物大分子的离心超滤浓缩装置VivaspinTurbo 15,有8种不同的截留分子量可供选择。更大面积的双排垂直膜
可持续性将是NPE2012的重要主题,大宗植物来源的生物基材料、含可再生成份的材料以及为增强其性能而设计的助剂等将成为展会的焦点。 Sustainability will be an important
A series of novel glyco-gambogic acid(GA) compounds were synthesized and evaluated for their in vitro anti-proliferative activity against human hepatocellular c
益钙宁治疗18例老年骨质疏松症,并应用双能 X 线骨密度仪(DPX-L 型)测定腰椎或全身骨密度,结果表明,治疗后13例骨密度增加(72.2%),平均增加3.95%,减少5例(27.8%),平均减少2.4
Polyhydroquinone (PHQ) is a redox-active polymer with quinone/hydroquinone redox active units in the main chain and may have potential applications as a mediato
The synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of ruthenium complexes(R-l to R-8) of the type[Ru(A)_2(B)],(where A = 1,10-phenanthroline/2,2′-bipyridine and
笔者对我院B超诊断的宫外孕病例进行临床、超声显像与手术及病理资料对照分析,着重讨论输卵管妊娠声像图特征及鉴别要点,以提高B超诊断水平。 1 对象与方法 1.1 对象 患者52