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南朝鲜和台湾在经济发展战略中均将电子工业置于优先地位加以发展,并取得了巨大成就。在电子工业发展过程中,它们有相似之处,但其侧重点、生产组织形式以及各自的优势不同。 一、电子工业发展概况比较 1、两地均起步晚,发展快。南朝鲜和台湾电子工业都是在60年代前后才起步的,但一直受到高度重视。1969年,南朝鲜制订了“电子工业振兴法”,后又于1981年补充修改了“电子工业振兴法”。1979年,台湾通过“电子工业发展法(10年计划)”,并于1980年动手兴建新竹科学工业园区。70年代间,南朝鲜和台湾的电子工业已有较快发展,进入80年代 Both South Korea and Taiwan have given priority to the development of the electronics industry in their economic development strategies and have achieved great successes. They have similarities in the development of the electronics industry, but their focus, the form of production organization, and their respective advantages are different. First, the development of the electronics industry overview 1, both started late, fast development. Both South Korea and Taiwan’s electronics industry started before and after the 1960s, but they have always been highly regarded. In 1969, South Korea enacted the “Law of the Revitalization of Electronics Industry” and later amended and amended “Law of the Promotion of Electronics Industry” in 1981. In 1979, Taiwan adopted the “Law on the Development of Electronic Industries (10-Year Plan)” and started building the Hsinchu Science Park in 1980. During the 1970s, the electronics industry in South Korea and Taiwan developed rapidly and entered the 1980s
Objective To investigate the association between anxiety and hemoglobin A1c(Hb A1c)in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM).Methods Cluster sampling was
智慧图书馆(smart library)是建立在智能技术以及其他各种新技术和管理理念基础上的新一代图书馆,正在从概念走向现实。无论是国外,还是国内,学界业界正在广泛讨论和大力探索
埃森航讯 到1991年10月3日,德国统一已经一周年。目前德国的情况究竟怎么样了? 国内面临的困难 1991年6—7月间,设在比勒菲尔德的埃姆尼德民意研究所,受《明镜》周刊委托,对
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<正> 改革开放以来,领导人的讲话和报刊上的文章中,常常提到经济政策倾斜这个术语,但它并没有在理论上被系统地论述过,人们对其社会效果议论颇多,有褒有贬,看法也不尽相同,它的社会实践的广度与深度的发展势头不减,但实践经验尚未总