Unilateral Acute Idiopathic Maculopathy

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Purpose: To discuss the fluorescein angiographic features and diagnosis as well as differential diagnosis.Methods : In our hospital, we have found three cases of UAIM, one of them has eccentric maculopathy, another has papillitis, and the third associates with pregnancy. Each has characteristic clinical findings. We have made the diagnosis base on ophthalmoscopy and fluorescein angiography (FA).Results: Three patients with UAIM have been experienced sudden unilateral decreased visual acuity. The significant changes on fundus are retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) thickening with neurosensory retinal detachment with in the macular area. FA showed early patchy hypofluorescence and hyperfluorescence at the level of the RPE.’ Bull’ s eye appearance may occur in the macular area after the acute stage of the disease. The clinical findings are similar to what the foreign report described. But there were no previous reports in China. Conclusion : We can establish the diagnosis on the base of clinical and fundus f Purpose: To discuss the the fluorescein angiographic features and diagnosis as well as differential diagnosis. Methods: In our hospital, we have found three cases of UAIM, one of them with eccentric maculopathy, another has papillitis, and the third associates with pregnancy. Each has characteristic clinical findings. We have made the diagnosis base on ophthalmoscopy and fluorescein angiography (FA). Results: Three patients with UAIM have been experienced sudden un un-decreased visual acuity. The significant changes on fundus are retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) thickening with neurosensory retinal detachment with in the macular area. FA showed early patchy hypofluorescence and hyperfluorescence at the level of the RPE. ’Bull’ s eye appearance may occur in the macular area after the acute stage of the disease. The clinical findings are similar to what the foreign report there. But there were no previous reports in China. Conclusion: We can establish the diagnosis on the base of cli nical and fundus f
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