
来源 :国防科技工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hwh494
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《实施意见》的颁布是国防领域的一件大事,昭示着作为国家重要敏感领域之一的国防科技工业和武器装备领域,也向民间资本进一步打开了大门6月30日,国防科工局、总装备部公开发布了《关于鼓励和引导民间资本进入国防科技工业领域的实施意见》。这是国防领域的一件大事,昭示着作为国家重要敏感领域之一的国防科技工业和武器装备领域,也向民间资本进一步打开了大门。应时代发展之需而生走军民融合式发展路子是党中央对新时期国防科技工业发展提出的具体要求,要充分立足国民 The promulgation of the “Opinions on Implementation” is a major event in the field of national defense. It has also shown that the field of national defense science and technology and weapons and equipment as one of the important sensitive areas in the country has also opened the door to private capital. On June 30, the National Defense Bureau of Science and Technology, The General Armaments Department released the Opinions on Encouraging and Guiding Private Capital into National Defense Science and Technology Industries. This is a major event in the field of national defense, stating that the field of national defense science and technology and weapons and equipment as one of the important sensitive areas in the country has also opened the door to private capital. In keeping with the needs of the development of the times, it is the specific requirements of the CPC Central Committee for the development of the national defense science and technology industry in the new period that we should take full account of the integration of civil and military development.
历经140年的江南造船厂历史,透视中国近现代科技史、工业史、造船史的缩影。1800平方米的江南造船博物馆内,展示了1865年以来在“江南”不同历史 After 140 years of histor
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正当海峡两岸各界热切期盼大陆居民赴台旅游尽快成行之际,2007年3月31日台湾当局修正发布了“试办金门马祖与大陆地区通航实施办法”, At a time when all walks of life on