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文章着重对深埋隧道施工中的力学状态进行了计算机模拟和分析,文中除体出了考虑隧道开挖面时空效应的分析模型外,还计入了岩体流变时效,进行了弹-塑性数值计算。结合长河坝隧道工程进行了模拟分析,并对长河坝隧道施工可能发生的大变形和垮塌区域进行了预测。 The paper focuses on the computer simulation and analysis of the mechanical state during the construction of deep tunnel. In addition to the analysis model considering the space-time effect of tunnel excavation face, the rheological aging of rock mass is taken into account, and the elastic-plastic Numeral Calculations. Combined with the Changheba tunnel project, a simulation analysis is carried out and the possible causes of large deformation and collapse of the Changheba tunnel construction are predicted.
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