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预设是教学的前期准备,生成体现教和学的过程,成功的教学是预设与有效生成的和谐和超越。然而学生的差异性和教学的开放性使课堂呈现出丰富性、多变性和复杂性。当教学不再按照预设展开,教师将面临严峻的考验和艰难的抉择。在教学过程中必须根据实际情况灵活选择、整合乃至放弃原有 The default is the pre-teaching preparation, the process of teaching and learning is generated, and the successful teaching is the harmony and transcendence of pre-setting and effective production. However, the diversity of students and the openness of teaching make the class rich, changeable and complex. When teaching is no longer in accordance with the pre-set, teachers will face severe tests and difficult choices. In the teaching process must be based on the actual situation of the flexibility to choose, integrate and even give up the original
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Editor’s Note:In the past three decades in China,the profession of urban planning has seen a sustained and prosperous development,in both practical and academi
诺贝尔物理学奖获得者杨振宁自幼天资聪明,四岁时开始在母亲指导下认字,一年后竟能认识三千多个汉字了。父亲杨武之是我国早期的数学家和教育家,在父亲影响和熏陶下,杨振宁很早就对数学产生了浓厚的兴趣。  杨振宁读小学时,父亲杨武之任教于清华大学数学系,是数学系的系主任。由于他从小显露出在数学方面的天赋,做父亲的自然高兴有加,但杨武之十分冷静,清醒意识到杨振宁有些“偏科”迹象。  其实,杨振宁的语文成绩同样
With the concurrent successes of lithium-ion batteries,supercapacitors and fuel cells during the last two decades,electrochemical devices that convert and store