Analytic solution of phreatic surface in the slope of reservoir bank

来源 :Engineering Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pridekao
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In most cases, the slope stability of reservoir bank is analyzed on the premise that the location of phreatic surface is obtained. But many designers generalize a line as the phreatic surface through their experience to analyze the stability, which is unsafe in the project. To find a solution of the phreatic surface which is convenient to put into use and in accordance with the practice, the article, based on Boussinesq equation, infers analytic solutions suitable to the water level at different ratios and achieves an analytic solution equation through fitting curves. The correctness of the equation is also proved by the experiments of sand and sand-clay models and the inaccuracy of empirical generalization is analyzed quantitatively. The calculation results show that the inaccuracy through the method of experiential generalizing is so large that the designers should be awake to it. But most designers generalize a line as the phreatic surface through their experience to analyze the stability, which is unsafe in the project. To find a solution of the phreatic surface which is convenient to put into use and in accordance with the practice, the article, based on Boussinesq equation, infers analytic solutions suitable to the water level at different ratios and achieves an analytic solution equation through fitting curves. The correctness of the equation is also proved by the experiments of sand and sand-clay models and the inaccuracy of empirical generalization is analyzed quantitatively. The calculation results show that the inaccuracy through the method of experiential generalizing is so large that the designers should be awake to it.
作者报告一例本病患者于尿布区局部外用25%氧化锌糊剂(Lassar 糊剂)后症状迅速改善,同时见有血浆锌浓度的升高。患儿女性8个月,因面、臀、股、手足处发生红斑、脓疱和小水疱
我科从76年12月底至77年7月共收治流脑病儿40例,现总结如下: (一)流行病学:(1)性别:男33例,女17例。(2)年令:1岁以下3例,1—3岁7例,3—6岁10例,7岁以上20例。年长儿发病率高