
来源 :名作欣赏 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:clgsjzht
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《名作欣赏》杂志自2016年第1期起连续刊发了几篇关于当下语文教育的现状及走向的争鸣文章,几位教授和语文老师对当下语文教育存在的问题和语文课程改革提出了自己的看法,其中西北师范大学靳健教授在《是谁长期扰乱着语文教育的发展方向》(《名作欣赏》2016年第6期)中提到了对语文教育发声的几类人正在干扰着语文教育的发展方向,也引发了我们的思考。正好这段时间,我和倪文尖教授就语文教育从各自关注的角度进行过讨论,所以趁着这个机会将不太成熟的讨论用文字形式呈现出来,以求教于各位方家。 Since its publication in the first issue of 2016, Masterpieces Appreciation has published several controversial articles on the present situation and trend of the current Chinese education. Several professors and language teachers have put forward their own problems in the current Chinese education and the reform of the Chinese curriculum , Professor Jin Jian of Northwest Normal University mentioned in his book “Who Long Disrupts the Development of Chinese Education” (“Masterpiece Appreciation”, 2016, No. 6) that several kinds of people who speak Chinese education are interfering with Chinese education The direction of development, but also triggered our thinking. Just this time, Professor Ni Wenjian and I talked about Chinese education from their respective perspectives. Therefore, taking this opportunity, we will present less mature discussions in the form of texts in order to help you learn from each other.
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“七·一”映日鲜红江山沐浴双喜捧琼浆呈玉液恭诞辰贺归期母子融融偎依诉衷肠话别离挽臂瞩迎纪元看天下谁能敌 “Seventy-one” Ying Ri fresh red Jiangshan bathing dou
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