Prevention of Postoperative Tendon Adhesion by Biodegradable Electrospun Membrane of Poly(lactide-co

来源 :Chinese Journal of Polymer Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ddp100
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An electrospun poly(lactide-co-glycolide)(PLGA) membrane was prepared and used to perform the anti-adhesion of Achilles tendon. Throughout the experiments, the membrane showed an appropriate degradation rate, and the p H values of degradation media were maintained at around 7.4. Simultaneously, the excellent biocompatibility of the membrane in vitro and in vivo was confirmed by live/dead and histopathological analyses. Meanwhile, the membrane can reduce tendon adhesion significantly and promote functional recovery effectively. The encouraging results were further demonstrated by hematoxylin and eosin(H&E), and Masson’s trichrome stainings, and type I collagen immunohistochemical analysis. It was concluded that the model treated with the electrospun PLGA membrane was significantly better with respect to the adhesion prevention and tissue repair than that without treatment. Considering the results of degradation and adhesion prevention efficacy, the electrospun PLGA membrane would be a great candidate for the prevention of postoperative tendon adhesion. An electrospun poly (lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) membrane was prepared and used to perform the anti-adhesion of Achilles tendon. Throughout the experiments, the membrane showed an appropriate degradation rate, and the p H values ​​of degraded media were at around 7.4. Simultaneously, the excellent biocompatibility of the membrane in vitro and in vivo, was confirmed by live / dead and histopathological analyzes. Meanwhile, the membrane can reduce tendon adhesion significantly and promote functional recovery effectively. The encouraging results were demonstrated by hematoxylin and eosin (H & E), and Masson’s trichrome stainings, and type I collagen immunohistochemical analysis. It was verified that the model treated with the electrospun PLGA membrane was significantly better with respect to the adhesion prevention and tissue repair than that without treatment. of degradation and adhesion prevention efficacy, the electrospun PLGA membrane would be ag reat candidate for the prevention of postoperative tendon adhesion.
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研究X综合征患者的胸痛是否由心脏痛觉阈减低所致。 方法 A组36例X综合征患者有典型心绞痛史,运动试验阳性,造影示冠脉和左室正常;B组36例二尖瓣病变和造影示冠脉明显病变者