
来源 :物理化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:halfmile
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Huggins equation has been found not suitable for the ionomer solution because of the aggregation of polymer chains. In this paper a viscosity equation for describing the viscometric behavior of ionomer solution is proposed as follows:where A, κ and γ are adjustable parameters. Two kinds of zinc sulfonated butyl rubber (Zn-SIIR) ionomers with different molecular weight ([η]=0.65 and 1.47dL·g-1, xylene, 25 ℃) have been synthesized. Viscosity measurements for the ionomers in xylene containing various amount of hexanol (0~0.2mol·L-1) as cosolvent have been done. It has been found that ln(ηSP/c) increases linerly whit cγ for all plots and the liner correlative coefficients (R) are all higher than 0.999, indicating that viscosity concentration relationship for these ionomer solutions is in accordance with the viscosity equation mentioned above.The value of γ increases as hexanol content decreases. Science lower hexanol content leads to higher degree of aggregation of polymer chains, it is suggested that γ was related to the aggregation of polymer chains. Huggins equation has been found not suitable for the ionomer solution because of the aggregation of polymer chains. In this paper a viscosity equation for describing the viscometric behavior of ionomer solution is proposed as follows: where A, κ and γ are adjustable parameters. of zinc sulfonated butyl rubber (Zn-SIIR) ionomers with different molecular weight ([η] = 0.65 and 1.47 dL · g -1, xylene, 25 ° C) have been synthesized. Viscosity measurements for the ionomers in xylene containing various amounts of hexanol (0 ~ 0.2mol·L-1) as cosolvent have been done. It has been found that ln (ηSP / c) increases linerly whit cγ for all plots and the liner correlative coefficients (R) are all higher than 0.999, indicating that viscosity concentration relationship for these ionomer solutions is in accordance with the viscosity equation mentioned above. The value of γ increases as hexanol content decreases. Science lower hexanol content leads to higher degree of aggregation of polymer chai ns, it is suggested that γ was related to the aggregation of polymer chains.
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