艰难的中国 现代化之路

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问题意识历史,在空间-时间的坐标系上画出了一条起伏涨落不定的曲线,每个民族都留下了自己经历过的动态轨迹。没有永久的辉煌,也没有不能挽救的沉沦。“上帝”绝不偏担任何民族,而将盛衰荣辱都交由他们自己去抉择,去支配变幻不定的命运。中国在传统农业社会的漫长历史时段里,曾经持久地独领过风骚,极其辉煌。然而大约到明清鼎革之际(1644年前后),中华帝国夕阳西垂,康雍乾余晖一抹,迅即黯淡无光。与此相反衬,西方以其“理性资本主义”的时代精神,开拓出又一片天地,变落后为先进,步入了现代工业社会的新时代。自19世纪末叶起,先进的中国人梦寐以求的是,不甘落后,追回失去的荣耀,跟踪历史步伐,再铸辉煌。可是,那时的中国真是多灾多难,国运不济。回眸历史,令人感慨万千:1898年,旧邦维新的曙光刚刚显露,却瞬间消失 Awareness of the history of the problem, in the space - time coordinate system to draw a fluctuant fluctuation curve, each nation has left its own dynamic trajectory experienced. There is no permanent glory, there is no irreparable sinking. “God ” will never be on the side of any nation, but let the ups and downs of life be left to their own choices and to control the uncertain fates. In the long historical period of traditional agricultural society, China has been extremely unique and brilliant. However, about the occasion of the Ming and Qing dynasties leather (around 1644), the Chinese Empire sunset westward, Kang Yong dry aftertaste, bleak soon diminished. On the contrary, the West, with its “rational capitalism” spirit of the times, has opened up yet another world that has changed from a backward state to an advanced one and entered a new era of modern industrial society. Ever since the end of the 19th century, the advanced Chinese people have dreamed of staying backward, recovering their lost glory, keeping track of the pace of history and making brilliant achievements again. However, at that time, China was really troubled and its country was in bad shape. Reviewing history, it is filled with emotion: In 1898, the old state of the new dawn of light just revealed, but instantly disappear
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