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杨琳教授著《古典文献及其利用》一书由北京大学出版社于2004年8月出版。与同类著作相比,本书有四个特点:一,资料最新。包括此前刚刚问世的文献著作均有反映,甚至对正在编纂的重要资料作了介绍。二,内容全面。本书大加拓展文献范围,给读者以更加全面的古典文献信息。不仅包括简帛文献、敦煌文献、宗教文献(大藏经、道藏),而且还有图像文献、电子文献等很少在已有的文献学著作中介绍的内容,给读者以最实用的现代化古典文 Professor Yang Lin book “Classical Literature and Its Utilization,” a book published by Peking University Press in August 2004. Compared with similar books, the book has four characteristics: First, the latest information. Including the literary works that have just appeared before, are reflected, and even introduced the important information being compiled. Second, the content is comprehensive. Book greatly expanded the scope of the literature, to readers with a more comprehensive classical literature and information. It includes not only the silk and silk literature, the Dunhuang literature and the religious literature (Tripitaka, Taoism), but also images, electronic documents and other content rarely described in the existing literature and literature, giving readers the most practical and modern classical
我们对 6 0例老年糖尿病肾病患者实施不同的治疗方案进行观察比较 ,现报道如下。1 资料与方法1.1 一般资料 所有病例皆为住院病人 ,血尿标本 ,同一天留取 ,血 β2 -mG均 2 5
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目的研究维生素 C对糖尿病患者血管内皮细胞的影响。方法 5 0例 2型糖尿病患者随机分成 2组 ,一般治疗基本相同 ,实验组加服维生素 C 1.5 g/d,共 4周 ,测定治疗前后空腹血糖
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Objective: Axis and support of the vagina can be restored by sacrocolporectopexy with preservation of coital function. We developed a new technique of transvagi
1992年4月,宝中铁路陇县原子头遗址工地发现一处新莽钱币窖藏,共出土钱币6 0 0 0多枚。窖藏编号J1 ,位于遗址中部稍偏北的T4 4北隔梁下。开口位置在唐代文化层下,下部打破了