A Discursive Analysis of Identity in Newspaper Reports

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Adopting the Critical Discourse Analysis approach,this paper sets out to analyze the underlying reasons that cause the differences between two Chinese newspapers--Qianjiang Evening News and China Daily,both of which are concerning the Chinese player Wu Peng’s winning the 200-meter butterfly at the World Short-course Championship.The identity of both the newspaper itself and its readership will be analyzed to explore the relationship between identity and reporting strategies. Adopting the Critical Discourse Analysis approach, this paper sets out to analyze the underlying reasons that cause the differences between two Chinese newspapers - Qianjiang Evening News and China Daily, both of which are concerning the Chinese player Wu Peng’s winning the 200-meter butterfly at the World Short-course Championship. The identity of both the newspaper itself and its readership will be analyzed to explore the relationship between identity and reporting strategies.
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根据国际地质大会章程的要求,每届大会的前后都要有一系列的地质旅行。其目的是向大会代表“提供方便研究举办国或地区的地质特征和矿产资源”。因此,地质旅行和学术讨论 Ac
孔子说:“吾乃今于是乎见龙!龙合而成体,散而成章,乘云气而翔乎阴阳……”(《庄子·天运》)  孔子的这句话深刻而生动地解说了一个团体的个体和全体的关系。  首先,这个整体应该是“龙”,汉字研究学术水平是一流的,能自立于这个学术领域的高峰。而这个整体内部的所有个体都应该是“龙”的组成部分!都是在一定水平之上的高层次的个体,都是用龙的精神严格律己的个体。只有有了这样的个体,才能够最终组成整体的“真龙”