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  【Abstract】In contemporary life, some people like to buy things beyond their ability and enjoy material fun in advance, but they have to make continuous repayments later, but some people can control their own consumption concepts, and some people Having to bear heavy loan pressure due to excessive consumption may also sell privacy. Therefore, we must protect ourselves, and we must also control our views on consumption, not controlled by material, so as to master life and enjoy life.
  【Key words】Advanced consumption; loans; consumption outlook
  In today’s online age, more and more consumers are pre-consumers. Faced with inspiration from home loans and car loans, some people are beginning to discover that business opportunities have created many small loans. Although it has brought convenience to people, more and more people have become advanced consumers in this situation, which is especially common among college students. Advance consumption is a double-edged sword. Some people have a good control and enjoy life, and some people pay for it.
  For advanced consumption, it is also based on the development of life at the moment. However, some experts said that this type of consumption is a kind of advanced consumption, showing off consumption and pathological consumption, facing these three types, or more or less people have participated. Pre-consumption refers to pre-consumption for large-scale items or consumption that is urgently needed and can be compensated for later, such as: house purchase, car purchase, and loans that some poor students cannot pay for tuition. However, in the face of some material needs and satisfaction, women will have a lot of over-consumption when they have a need for cosmetics, clothes, shoes, bags, and other materials. For men, most people have an over-consumption attitude in pursuit of shoes and electronics. However, these two types of consumption belong to consumption that is not satisfied with the status quo, and from the aspect of ability, it is conspicuous consumption. However, after the two forms of performance have become extreme, they will become morbid consumption, and the desire to buy has far exceeded the support of normal life.
  For some people, to be able to control their own desires, purchase large items requires early consumption, loans, and then they can also repay them, so this situation is beneficial. After all, most people cannot pay for large items at one time. Money. But for some people, under the pressure of huge comparison and desire, they have to use the loan again and again. For college students, there are more and more crimes such as campus loans and naked loans. Many young people around are also like this. There is only one yuan in their pockets, and they have to spend ten yuan. The rest of the time can only be paid back and eaten soil (indicating that there is no money to meet the needs of eating after spending money) for the sake of appearance. Looks pretty good on vanity. For example, if you are an ordinary student, you only have 1,000 living expenses, but you have to buy two or three thousand shoes. You will pay the loan in installments every month, but you are worried about repayment because you are an ordinary student. Or an ordinary office worker, who has to support the scene to invite dinner, regardless of budget, always eats a full meal and spends his salary. And so on, events are still happening.
  For people, pre-consumption is both a temptation and a trap. When they cannot control the temptation, they can easily fall into the trap and get out of it. Control the concept of consumption, do not over-consumption, so as to protect yourself, to master life and enjoy life.
【摘要】英语作为小学阶段的重要学科,对于学生未来的发展会产生深远影响。作为一门语言学科,英语教学离不开语言环境的支持。随着新课改的逐步深入,利用情境教学法围绕教学主题创设相应情境来辅助教学,一方面能够让教学内容变得更加生动形象,还可以在一定程度上提高学生的学习兴趣,让他们更加专注地投入到学习中,进而促使英语学习效果得以全面提高。  【关键词】情境教学法;小学英语;应用策略  【作者简介】薛媛,山东
Ⅰ.Introduction  IELTS,a test serves as a standard of speakers’English level.Recently,many universities in China have set academic IELTS course to support students’English learning.  IELTS writing exam
【摘要】核心素养和信息化教学作为当前最为主要的两种教学理念,对于教学活动效率和水平的提升具有重大意义。因此,本文针对这一现状,基于核心素养的时代背景,以小学英语教学为例,对英语学习活动观在信息化教学中的应用进行分析,从而为小学英语教学的优化和发展提供一定的参考。  【关键词】核心素养;英语学习活动观;信息化教学  【作者简介】费玲爽,江苏省常州市华润小学。  随着新课程改革的不断深入,英语学习活动
【摘要】翻转课堂作为新课改背景下提出的一种新的教学模式,在小学英语教学中的应用,不仅可以打破传统教学模式的限制,还可以驱动学生们自主学习,提升学习质量。在本文中,本人将以微课为基础,从课前自主学习、课堂合作学习和课后有效复习这三方面入手,就如何“翻转”小学英语课堂,提升教学效率进行详细说明。  【关键词】小学英语;翻转课堂;实施策略  【作者简介】刘博,酒泉市肃州区西洞学校。  《教育信息化十年发
【摘要】随着新课改的不断推进,“核心素养”已经成为英语教学的主旨思想。英语学科的核心素养包括语言能力、思维品质、文化品格和学习能力等四个方面。英语写作与核心素养所表达的主旨思想相结合,最终目的是为了提高学生综合运用语言的能力。  【关键词】 问题;写作;方法  【作者简介】王萱(1985.08-),女,汉族,甘肃白银白银人,甘肃省白银市白银区金山中心小学,本科,小教一级(二级教师),教师,研究方向
【摘要】课程思政要求各类课程和思政课同向同行。大学英语如何实现思政育人、教师如何解决学生缺乏本国文化自信和批判性思维的问题仍存在,因而大学英语教师有必要开展大学英语与思政元素相结合的教学。本文分析大学生思政素养缺失的原因,创建陕西省二本师范类院校大学英语课程思政的模式,最终建立学生的文化自信心,实现全方位育人的目标。  【关键词】课程思政;大学英语;教学改革  【作者简介】高雨菲,陜西学前师范学院
【摘要】分析基于主题意义探究的高中英语任务课的教学设计原则,紧扣目标、逐步递进、整合统一。以冀教版新课标高中英语必修第一册Unit 2 FRIENDSHIP Section 2 Task One Telling Stories of Friendship为教学案例,阐明围绕主题意义的教学设计的教学过程及设计意图。  【关键词】主题意义探究;高中英语;任务课教学实践  【作者简介】董芳,河北教育出版