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历时3天的全区艺术教育研究会成立暨蒙古舞教学大纲研讨会于3月30日在呼和浩特市落下帷幕。前来参加会议的代表有全区9所艺术院校和内蒙古艺术干部管理学校的校长教员共30余人。内蒙古自治区文化厅领导、内蒙古自治区教育厅有关处室.的负责人和我区著名舞蹈家、全国舞蹈家协会副主席斯琴塔日哈同志应邀参加了会议。这次会议的主要内容有,传达贯彻全国艺术教育工作会议精神,学习讨论文化部有关艺术教育方面的文件;选举产生研究会第一届理事会;探讨在新形势下如何做好艺术教育管理工作;确定统一的蒙古舞指导性教学大纲和教材。 The 3-day study tour of art education in the region and Mongolia seminar on the establishment of Mongolia syllabus came to an end on March 30 in Hohhot. Representatives who came to the conference included a total of more than 30 headmasters from 9 art colleges and art management schools in Inner Mongolia. Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Department of Culture leadership, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Department of Education Office of the relevant person in charge and my district famous dancer, vice president of the National Association of Dancers Sister Qinha invited to attend the meeting. The main contents of this meeting are to convey and implement the spirit of the National Conference on Arts Education, to study and discuss documents related to arts education of the Ministry of Culture; to elect the first council of the Research Society; to discuss how to do a good job of art education and management under the new situation ; To determine a unified Mongolian dance instructional syllabus and teaching materials.
1 INTRODUCTIONOne of the major objectives in the study of extraction column is to minimize column di-mensions to fulfill a certain specific separation process.
近两年的编辑岁月,我与初中生和初中生作文相伴,渐渐地,生发了一些关于不同成长阶段的思考。这也与我从小学版到初中版的编辑工作的转变有关。我发现,在孩子与父母师长的相处中,明显表现出一种中国式的“依赖——反抗——和解”的关系。  童年时,孩子无比依赖父母,也可以说,父母同样无比依赖孩子。因为一个小孩子的诞生,整个家庭变得圆满。在心理学上,获得“无条件的好”往往来自于小时候,处于弱势的小小的你,能得到父
1 INTRODUCTIONMany attempts to develop semipermeable membranes for gas separation have beendone over the past twenty years [1,2].However,it is still difficult