Genetic characterization and linkage disequilibrium mapping of resistance to gray leaf spot in maize

来源 :The Crop Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pettey
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Gray leaf spot(GLS),caused by Cercospora zeae-maydis,is an important foliar disease of maize(Zea mays L.)worldwide,resistance to which is controlled by multiple quantitative trait loci(QTL).To gain insights into the genetic architecture underlying the resistance to this disease,an association mapping population consisting of 161 inbred lines was evaluated for resistance to GLS in a plant pathology nursery at Shenyang in 2010 and 2011.Subsequently,a genome-wide association study,using 41,101 single-nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs),identified 51 SNPs significantly(P<0.001)associated with GLS resistance,which could be converted into 31 QTL.In addition,three candidate genes related to plant defense were identified,including nucleotidebinding-site/leucine-rich repeat,receptor-like kinase genes similar to those involved in basal defense.Two genic SNPs,PZE-103142893 and PZE-109119001,associated with GLS resistance in chromosome bins 3.07 and 9.07,can be used for marker-assisted selection(MAS)of GLS resistance.These results provide an important resource for developing molecular markers closely linked with the target trait,enhancing breeding efficiency. Gray leaf spot (GLS), caused by Cercospora zeae-maydis, is an important foliar disease of maize (Zea mays L.) worldwide, resistance to which is controlled by multiple quantitative trait loci (QTL) .To gain insights into the genetic architecture underlying the resistance to this disease, an association mapping population consisting of 161 inbred lines was evaluated for resistance to GLS in a plant pathology nursery at Shenyang in 2010 and 2011. Substituted, a genome-wide association study, using 41, 101 single-nucleotide polymorphisms SNPs), identified 51 SNPs significantly (P <0.001) associated with GLS resistance, which could be transformed into plant defense identified, including nucleotide binding site / leucine-rich repeat, receptor- like kinase genes similar to those involved in basal defense. Two genic SNPs, PZE-103142893 and PZE-109119001, associated with GLS resistance in chromosome bins 3.07 and 9.07, can be used for marker-assisted selection (MAS) of GLS resistance. These results provide an important resource for developing molecular markers closely linked with the target trait, enhancing breeding efficiency.
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有一次,一只蚊子问苍蝇:“这附近有鲜花吗?”  “鮮花我可没看到。”那只苍蝇回答,“不过污水沟里到处都有罐头瓶子、粪便和垃圾。”  随后,苍蝇给蚊子如数家珍地细数了附近他经常光顾的垃圾堆和污水沟。  蚊子按照苍蝇所指的方向往前飞时,路遇了一只蜜蜂,就问:“你看见这附近有垃圾堆和污水沟了吗?”  “垃圾堆?污水沟?没有,我从来没看见过。”蜜蜂很是惊讶,“不过这附近随处都有清香扑鼻的鲜花。”  紧接着