魂系期刊 再创辉煌——热烈庆贺本刊创刊廿周年

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亲爱的读者,今天当您捧读第200期《电子技术应用》之时,恰是该刊创刊二十周之日.回顾1974年,四机部部王诤为响应敬爱的周恩来总理“电于工业要军民并举,天下为公.”的号召,指示六所筹办《电子技术应用》期刊,以推动并促进我国国民经济各部门应用电厂技水的开展,加快国民经济发展的步伐.1975年初,《电子技术应用》应运而生了.今天,与创刊之初相比.我刊已连续迈上了几个台阶.在我国电子行业科技期刊中一直处于领先地位,社会效益、经济效益显著.二十年来,我们坚待自己独有的办刊特色,即有明确的办刊宗旨、办刊方针、报导重点;注重纵向、横向联系,搜集信息;注重沟通与读者、作者、电子产品生产厂家及其用户的联系;注重严格管理,健全机构,不断提高采编人员的素质及公关能力;注重社会主义市场经济,积极为广大客户尽善尽美地服务. Dear reader, Today when you are reading the 200th issue of “Application of Electronic Technology,” it is exactly the 20th anniversary of the publication.Review In 1974, the fourth machine department minister Wang Ying responded to his beloved Premier Zhou Enlai, Industry wants both the military and the civilians to act for the benefit of the public “and instructed the six organizations to prepare a periodical for” application of electronic technology “so as to promote and promote the application of power plant technology and water in all sectors of the national economy and speed up the pace of national economic development.In early 1975, ”Application of Electronic Technology" came into being.Nowadays, compared with the beginning of the publication, our magazine has been continuously advanced to a few steps.It has been in a leading position in the scientific and technological periodicals of our country’s electronic industry for a long time, with remarkable social and economic benefits. In the past ten years, we have persevered in our unique characteristics of running journals: that is, we have defined the purpose of running journals, the guidelines for running journals and the key points for our reports; we have laid stress on vertical and horizontal links and collected information; we have focused on communication with readers, authors, manufacturers of electronic products and The user’s contact; pay attention to strict management, improve institutions, and constantly improve the quality of editorial staff and public relations capabilities; pay attention to the socialist market economy, and actively serve our customers perfect.
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