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海水淡化技术经过近一个世纪的发展,在全球范围内已逐渐成为淡水供应的重要措施之一,2010年全球海水淡化总装机容量约3900万m3/d。当今海水淡化技术主要包括反渗透(RO)、多效蒸馏(MED)、低温多级闪蒸(LT-MSF)、压汽蒸馏(VC)等,截至2010年这四种技术总共占据了海水淡化市场份额的98%以上。从成长趋势看,虽然热法仍占据40%的市场,但膜法增长速度很快,目前已占据了41%的市场,成为当前及今后海水淡化技术的主要发展方向。 After nearly a century of development, desalination technology has gradually become one of the important measures of freshwater supply around the world. In 2010, the global installed capacity of desalination is about 39 million m3 / d. Today’s desalination technologies include RO, MED, LT-MSF, VC and so on. As of 2010, the four technologies collectively account for the desalination More than 98% market share. From the growth trend, although the thermal method still occupies 40% of the market, but the membrane growth rate is very fast, now has occupied 41% of the market, as the current and future desalination technology, the main direction of development.