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你一定听过不少鬼故事,让你夜里睡觉不敢关灯,或是12点时不敢照镜子、宁愿憋死也绝不一个人上厕所……可怜的孩子,但愿你也知道有这样一些鬼故事,不仅不吓人,还能带给你长久的感动——ONE落入凡间的精灵(《我的妈妈是精灵》少年儿童出版社2006年)内容简介陈淼淼是一个普通的小学生,有一次,她不小心倒错了饮料,让妈妈沾到了爸爸的黄酒,没想到,妈妈因此变成了蓝色透明的形状。原来妈妈是精灵因为向往人类的感情来到人间,后来,她爱上了淼淼的爸爸,并且生下了陈淼淼。爸爸无法接受妈妈是精灵的事实,原本打算和妈妈离婚,可是为了淼淼,他们还是勉强生活在一起,为淼淼营造一个幸福的家庭。现在,淼淼知道了真相,妈妈不得不回到她原来的世界,这让淼淼很难过。淼淼有个好朋友叫李雨辰,她们一起想了很多办法来挽留妈妈,可是人间不是精灵的家,她们最终还是无法阻止妈妈离开…… You must have heard a lot of ghost stories, let you sleep at night afraid to turn off the lights, or 12 o’clock dare not look in the mirror, would rather suffocate and never a person to the bathroom ... ... poor child, I hope you know Such a ghost story, not only scary, but also bring you a long-term move --ONE fell into the mortal world (“My Mom is the Elves” Children’s Publishing House 2006) Content brief introduction Chen Miaomiao is an ordinary primary school students, Once, she inadvertently poured the wrong drink, so that my mother stained my father’s rice wine, did not expect, so the mother turned into a blue transparent shape. The original mother is the wizard because of longing for human feelings came to the world, and later, she fell in love with Miao Miao’s father, and gave birth to Chen Miaomiao. Dad can not accept the fact that her mother is a genie, originally intended to divorce his mother, but to Miaomiao, they still barely live together to create a happy Miaomiao family. Now, Miaomiao know the truth, my mother had to return to her original world, which makes Miaomiao very sad. Miaomiao have a good friend called Li Yuchen, they think of a lot of ways to retain their mother, but the world is not a wizard’s home, they eventually failed to stop her mother left ...
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