
来源 :中成药研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdrtgwdrtwertwert
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经典中药理论和现代中药药理研究各有其特点。经典中药理论基础是,不论药物使用和临床疗效,均以整体性出发为主,并且是针对病理状况下的机体以体内作用结果来进行总结和归纳的。而现代中药药理研究,是以实验生物学为基础,研究时可根据研究的不同目的,有计划地控制实验条件,深入研究作用机理。但因为往往是以动物为研究对象,因此,所用指标或所得结果,还是与人有一定差别的。如果能很好地将两者有机地结合,则能便于分析复方,精简复方,组成新复方,又能发现新药和现有药物的新用途,以及选择适合临床要求的剂型和给药途径,控制药物的毒付作用和配伍,从而指导临床辨证与辨病用药相结合,提高治疗水平。 The traditional Chinese medicine theory and modern Chinese medicine pharmacology research have their own characteristics. The theoretical basis of classical Chinese medicine is that, regardless of the use of drugs and clinical efficacy, all of them are based on integrity, and they are summarized and summarized according to the results of the body’s actions in the body under pathological conditions. The pharmacological research of modern Chinese medicine is based on experimental biology. Based on the different purposes of the study, the experimental conditions can be controlled in a planned manner and the mechanism of action can be studied in depth. However, because animals are often the subject of research, the indicators used or results obtained are still somewhat different from those of humans. If the organic combination of the two can be well combined, it can facilitate the analysis of the compound, simplify the compound, form a new compound, and can find new uses of new drugs and existing drugs, as well as the selection of dosage forms and administration routes suitable for clinical requirements, and control. The drug’s toxic effects and compatibility, thus guiding the combination of clinical syndrome differentiation and medication, improve the treatment level.
本文对苦杏仁燀法炮制的各种条件进行了试验研究,分析了各法的炮制效果,提出了燀法炮制以用沸水、用水量应10倍于苦杏仁量及煮烫时间5分钟为宜的结论。 In this paper, a va
岩黄连为罂粟科紫堇属植物Corydalis SaxiCola Bunting的全草,对疮疥肿毒及肝炎。有一定的疗效。为了寻找有效成分,我们提取了总生物碱并进一步分离,共得到12个结晶单体,在
呼和浩特市:云士俊 万秀梅 云改涛 王继先 徐能瑞 狄玉明 强浩 班贵龙包头市:刘培燕 王银光赤峰市:姚怀阳 于芝 李平 韩玲 付百玉 张爱恒 钱荣辉 刘锋 王冬梅 赵春芹 明瑞云
<正> 在我国药学史上,曾经产生过许多不朽的药物学著作,北宋唐慎微的《证类本草》就是其中之一。唐慎微,字审元,成都华阳(今四川成都附近之双流县)人,一说为蜀州晋原(今四川