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(1)金鱼的选择:,在花鸟市场上购买金鱼时,要选择活泼健康,鱼身色彩鲜艳的金鱼。健康的金鱼,往往游动轻快活泼,和其它金鱼一起来回游动,有的鱼体形消瘦,不合群体,说明这种鱼不很好。还有的鱼常在水面上张口吸氧(俗称浮头),这种鱼耐氧较差,稍遇气温变低或夏季气温升高,就会死亡,在选择金鱼时,不能忽视。(2)饲养容器与放养量:室内饲养金鱼,观赏为主,容器以水族箱(即长方形玻璃缸)和金鱼饲养缸为最好。容器宜大不宜小,水族箱的尺寸最好不小于50×25×30厘米,过小则水面不宽,不利于金鱼的生长及水中的二氧化碳与空气中的氧在水面的交换。放养数量以不同品种的金鱼两对足矣。切忌贪多。(3)水温与换水次数:金鱼是冷血动物,随着气温的变化而变化,如水温在22~25℃之间就会生活得很好。因此,平时换水,特别是夏天尤应注意,水温要接近,不能忽高忽低,造成鱼不适应而得病死亡。备水容器的水要同饲养容器放在一起,以防水温出现偏差。换水次数要根据季节和鱼缸的水质而定,一般夏季换水勤些,每天1~2次,在早晨和傍晚进行。冬季可一星期换一次,在中午进行。每次换 (1) the choice of goldfish: In the flower and bird market to buy goldfish, to choose lively and healthy, fish colorful goldfish. Healthy goldfish, often swimming light and lively, and other goldfish swim back and forth, and some fish body weight loss, out of groups, indicating that the fish is not very good. There are often fish mouth oxygen mouth (commonly known as floating head), this fish poor oxygen resistance, a little lower temperature or summer temperatures, it will die in the choice of goldfish can not be ignored. (2) feeding containers and stocking: indoor feeding goldfish, ornamental, containers to aquarium (rectangular glass tank) and goldfish feeding cylinder is best. The container should not be small, aquarium size is best not less than 50 × 25 × 30 cm, too small then the water is not wide, is not conducive to the growth of goldfish and water in the carbon dioxide and oxygen in the air in the water exchange. Stocking the number of different varieties of goldfish two pairs suffice. Avoid too much. (3) the number of water temperature and water change: goldfish are cold-blooded animals, as the temperature changes, such as water temperature between 22 ~ 25 ℃ will live well. Therefore, the usual change of water, especially in the summer should pay particular attention to the water temperature to be close, can not be ravaged, resulting in fish do not meet and died of illness. The water of the water container should be put together with the feeding container to prevent the water temperature from deviating. Change the number of water according to the season and the tank’s water quality, the general change of water some of the summer, 1 or 2 times a day, in the morning and evening. Winter can be changed once a week, at noon. Every change
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