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目前国内人们对热水喷射泵在集中供热系统中的应用问题争议很大。通过系统失调计算和对现有资料的分折研究,笔者认为在北京地区气象条件下,根据当前我国集中供热发展水平以及可以预料的今后相当长一段时期的供热状况,不仅大型的锅炉房区域供热系统中热网与用户的联接能够采用热水喷射泵这种最简单,最经济的混水设备,而且在城市热电厂供热系统中也具有利用普通的热水喷射泵进一步提高集中供热经济效益的潜力。 热水喷射泵的应用,从三十年代研制成功起,至今已有近五十年的历史,世界上集中供热最发达的一些东欧国家应用这种混水设备非常广泛,例如苏联,目前热用户与外网的联接,采用热水喷射泵者占85%,而用混合泵者仅占9%。苏联动力工程界对热水喷射泵的评价很高,认为它的推广,对于苏联集中供热事业的发展起了极大的促进作用 然而在我国,尤其在集中供热规模最大的北京,热水喷射泵的应用,自从五十年代在实际工程上作过一些尝试之后,基本上再未引起人们的普遍重视。于是形成了目前这样一种局面,无论热电厂集中供热系统,或是区域锅炉房集中供热系统,凡是直接联接,几乎一律用混合泵联接,而对热水喷射泵方案,全然采取了一种排斥态度。其原因,除了有些具体条件限制热水喷射泵不能应用之外,更主要的是,许多同志对这? At present, domestic people are controversial about the application of hot water jet pumps in centralized heating systems. Through the calculation of system misalignment and the analysis of existing data, the author believes that under the meteorological conditions in Beijing, according to the current level of central heating in China and the expected long-term heating conditions in the future, not only large boiler rooms The connection between the heating network and the user in the district heating system can use the simplest and most economical water-mixing equipment such as the hot-water jet pump, and it also has the use of the ordinary hot-water jet pump to further increase the centralized supply in the urban thermal power plant heating system. The potential of thermal economics. The application of hot water jet pumps has been a success for nearly 50 years since it was successfully developed in the thirties. Some Eastern European countries with the most developed central heating in the world have used this type of water mixing equipment widely, such as the Soviet Union and the current heat. The connection between the user and the external network is 85% using the hot water jet pump and only 9% with the hybrid pump. The Soviet Union’s power engineering community has highly praised the hot water jet pump, and believes that its promotion has played a significant role in promoting the development of the Soviet Union’s central heating industry. However, in China, especially in the largest centralized heating sector in Beijing, hot water The application of jet pumps, after some attempts in actual engineering in the 1950s, basically did not cause people’s universal attention. As a result, a current situation has emerged. Regardless of whether it is a centralized heating system in a thermal power plant or a centralized heating system in a regional boiler room, all direct connections are almost always connected using a hybrid pump. However, a solution has been adopted for the hot water jet pump. Exclusion. The reason is that, in addition to some specific conditions that limit the use of hot-water jet pumps, the more important thing is that many comrades are concerned about this.
《湖南冶金》1995年总目次《湖南冶金》1995年总目次... “Hunan Metallurgy” 1995 Catalog “Hunan Metallurgy” 1995 Catalog ...
一点私房话:  喜欢在音乐的翅膀下享受歌声、弹奏吉他:喜欢和同学一起分享笑声。把脚印留在欢乐谷;喜欢静下来的时候,开动想象的机器,让美妙的文字记录下迷人的童话:喜欢观察周围的一切,把情趣摄入记忆里,再变成诗、散文和小说。梦想有一天,让自己骑上美妙文字的背,驰骋在每个人的心上……    一点小成绩:  《风羽奇飞——张佳羽博客》开博半年,点击量超18万。2010年9月,荣登新浪草根名博新人榜;被《东
今据不同文献记载试将西周王城之城沿尺度比较如下: (1)据《周礼·考工记》: 边长=九里(周制)=3726.0M=3.726公里=7.45华里(现制) 城沿周长=36里(周制)=14904.0M=14.904公里
人生中许多美好的东西,都是意外。  那天晚上,朋友约你去吃饭,你本来推掉了,但临时改变主意参加他们的聚会,在聚会上,你邂逅了一个你喜欢的人,然后和她相戀。这不是意外又是什么?你曾经以为你不会再爱别人了,你辞去工作,一个人到外国居住疗伤,在异地,你碰到另一个人,你下半生意外与他在一起。这不是刻意的发现,而是意外。  他说今天晚上要工作不能陪你,你一个人孤单地窝在家里吃即食面喝啤酒,他突然出现,这意外