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在我因昏迷而丧失知觉之时,从收音机里传出来的一首希望之歌帮我走出了地狱之门。一周多的时间已经过去了,我毫无声息,人们只能听到生命维持设备发出的声音。我脑溢血非常严重,医生诊断:按常理,我应该是早已不在人世了。但我却大难不死, As I was unconscious through coma, a song of hope that came out of the radio helped me get out of hell. More than a week has passed, and I have no voice. People can only hear the voice of life support equipment. My stroke is very serious, the doctor diagnosed: According to common sense, I should have been dead. But I am not overwhelmed,
In order to improve the measurement-precision of the gyro,the gyro experiment is completed based on gyro servo technology.The error sources of gyro servo techno
A quantum cascade laser with a porous waveguide structure emitting at 4.5μm is reported.A branchlike porous structure filled with metal material was fabricated
Well I heard about this boy,  How he could not decide  If he should love someone who loved him  Or if he should deny her  And hound some other one  Who was deaf to all his pleas  And only kept him rou
辽宁省肿瘤医院乳腺科主任医师张斌主持的“影响淋巴结阴性乳腺癌预后的生物学指标的研究”课题 ,揭示了肿瘤内微血管数(MVC)是影响乳腺癌患者长期生存率的独立预后因素。张斌带领
由国家注册资产评估师、国家林业局林产工业规划设计院生态工程咨询所所长郭保香教授级高级工程师编写的《森林资源资产评估知识读本》近日由中国林业出版社出版。 By the n
这里讲述的是一个真实的故事,一位女士拯救了一所古老的房子,与此同时,她也拯救了自己的人生。 Here is a real story, a lady saved an ancient house, at the same time,