A test device for isotopic γ-ray imaging with CdZnTe detector

来源 :Nuclear Science and Techniques | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ggfjkjtyr
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A test device for isotopic γ-ray imaging, which consists of an isotope γ-ray source, a CdZnTe γ-ray spec- trometer and other auxiliary equipment, is studied here. Compared with the conventional X-ray, the isotope γ-ray, which is utilized in this project, has its own advantages in imaging. Furthermore, with a room-temperature high-energy-resolution CdZnTe detector and a modern imaging processing technique, this device is capable of effec- tively suppressing the background and gaining more information, thus it can obtain a better image than conventional X-ray devices. In the experiment of PCB imaging, all soldered points and chip components are sharply demonstrated. A test device for isotopic γ-ray imaging, which consists of an isotope γ-ray source, a CdZnTe γ-ray spec- trometer and other auxiliary equipment, is studied here. Compared with the conventional X- ray, the isotope γ-ray , which is utilized in this project, has its own advantages in imaging. Further, with a room-temperature high-energy-resolution CdZnTe detector and a modern imaging processing technique, this device is capable of effec- tively suppressing the background and gaining more In the experiment of PCB imaging, all soldered points and chip components are sharply demonstrated.
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