Calculation and measurement of migration coefficient of radon under laboratory conditions

来源 :Nuclear Science and Techniques | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rocket830214
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Under laboratory conditions (i.e. a sealed system in which the temperature may vary according to air tem- perature), the migration of radon in upward, downward and horizontal directions has been investigated. After a period of accumulation, the spatial distribution profile of radon was drawn on the basis of the experimental data. The profile showed whorl-shape with bigger ends. The longer the accumulation time, the bigger the whorl end, and the higher the radon concentration is. By fitting the experimental data by least-square statistical method, we find that the distribu- tions of radon follow negative exponential functions in the upward, downward and horizontal directions. However, exponents for the three directions are not exactly identical. The upward migration is more effective than the down- ward one and both upward and downward migrations are more effective than the horizontal one. After a period of accumulation, the spatial distribution profile of radon was drawn on the basis of the experimental data. The profile said whorl-shape with larger ends. The longer the accumulation time, the bigger the whorl end, and the higher the radon concentration is. By fitting the experimental data by least-square statistical method , we find that the distribu- tions of radon follow negative exponential functions in the upward, downward and horizontal directions. However, exponents for the three directions are not exactly identical. The upward migration is more effective than the down- ward one and both upward and downward migrations are more effective than the horizontal one.
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