
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liangsfr
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We report two cases of amniotic fluid embolism, confirmed by histological examination. Both patients had an immediate post-partum haemorrhage that required an haemostatic hysterectomy. A typical symptomatology of amniotic fluid embolism revelated the first case. The patient survived without any sequelae. In the second case, amniotic fluid embolism occurred immediately after the delivery. The patient developed an acute respiratory distress with a shock syndrome. Despite haemostatic hysterectomy and resuscitative efforts, she died 6 days later. Both patients had an immediate post-partum haemorrhage that required an haemostatic hysterectomy. A typical symptomatology of amniotic fluid embolism revelated the first case. The patient survived without any sequelae. In the second case, amniotic fluid embolism occurred immediately after the delivery. The patient developed an acute respiratory distress with a shock syndrome. Despite haemostatic hysterectomy and resuscitative efforts, she died 6 days later.
一 中国国家博物馆藏有一尊唐代贞观二年(628年)的金铜造像,现于《大唐风韵》展上陈列。此像为坐姿菩萨,菩萨上身裸,着饰物,左手持莲花,右手下垂抚膝,半跏趺坐,左腿屈,右腿下
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Objective: To compare the effect of 2 regimens of intravenous fluid therapy on the course of labor. Methods: In a prospective, randomized, double-blind study of
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