
来源 :中医药管理杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhou8859
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《中国中医药报》2015年1月28日讯:2015年1月26日,澳门特别行政区行政长官崔世安访问国家中医药管理局,与国家卫生计生委副主任、国家中医药管理局局长王国强就推动内地与澳门中医药合作举行工作会谈。双方就未来合作建设澳门世界卫生组织传统医学合作中心、粤澳中医药科技产业园及以澳门为节点推动中医药“一带一路”发展达成共识,并将适时签署合作备忘录,进一步整合资源,优势互补,开创两地中医药合 January 25, 2015: On January 26, 2015, Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region, Chui Sai On, visited the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and met with Wang Guoqiang, deputy director of the State Health and Family Planning Commission and director of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine To promote the Mainland and Macao cooperation in traditional Chinese medicine held working talks. The two sides reached a consensus on the future cooperation in building the Macao WHO Traditional Medicine Cooperation Center, the Guangdong-Macao Chinese Medicine Technology Industrial Park and the promotion of TCM along the “Belt and Road” development in Macao. The two sides will sign a memorandum of cooperation in a timely manner to further integrate resources, Complement each other’s strengths and create a combination of Chinese medicine in both places
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[Objective]To compare the differences in the content of chlorogenic acid between Shandong Pingyi,Henan Fengqiu FLOS LONICERAE JAPONICAE and Hunan Longhui,Chongq
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