
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heyun102
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Purpose: To investigate ultrastructural changes in the aqueous outflow route and discuss the mechanisms associated with intraocular pressure (IOP) elevation ina patient with presumably early stage Chandler’s syndrome. Methods: A 47-yea r-old man underwent trabeculectomy because of elevated IOP. A specimen obtained during surgery was studied by transmission electron microscopy. Results: Electr on microscopy showed the presence of a monolayer composed of corneal endothelium -like cells and thick basement membrane-like material. Neovascularization was also observed in the corneoscleral trabeculum. Conclusions: Our results indicate that several mechanisms, including the formation of basement membrane-like tis sue, infiltration of inflammatory cells and neovascularization, might contribute to the elevation of IOP in Chandler’s syndrome. These may occur even when ther e is no history of conspicuous inflammatory reaction in the anterior ocular segm ents. Purpose: To investigate ultrastructural changes in the aqueous outflow route and discuss the mechanisms associated with intraocular pressure (IOP) elevation in a patient with presumably early stage Chandler’s syndrome. Methods: A 47-yea r-old man underwent trabeculectomy because of elevated IOP. A specimens obtained during surgery was studied by transmission electron microscopy. Results: Electr on microscopy showed the presence of a monolayer composed of corneal endothelium -like cells and thick basement membrane-like material. Neovascularization was also observed in the corneoscleral trabeculum. Conclusions: Our results These several occur, when the erection of the basement membrane-like tis sue, infiltration of inflammatory cells and neovascularization, might contribute to the elevation of IOP in Chandler’s syndrome. These may occur even when ther e is no history of conspicuous inflammatory reaction in the anterior ocular segm ents.
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