Creating Jobs Near the Home: A New Mode For China’s Future Urbanization

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  China has experienced a form of urbanization that is probably unparalleled in human history. In the past several decades, Millions of “migrant workers” travelled thousands of miles to big cities like Guangzhou and Shanghai, hoping to own a higher salary to support their families and have a better life. However, due to the relative low salary and the high fees of long distance travel, it was impractical for many migrant workers to meet with their family members very often. To many of them, the spring festival was the only chance to get together with their beloved ones.
  Working afar from their families has cause several social problems. First of all, it has created a huge population of the so-called“left-behind children” and the elderly living in an “empty nest”. They are left alone because most factories and companies only recruit young adults and the cost of living in a big city is too high to support an entire family. On some occasions, there is no serious problem for these people. If the child in a family is old enough and the elderly is in good health, they could take care of each other. But on other occasions, serious problems or even tragedies could happen. In the past several years, it has been reported that many left-behind teenage girls in the countryside were raped. Were their parents living together with them, many of these tragedies could be avoided.
  Second, working afar also significantly decreases the well being of the young adults. Life in the big cities may be more inciting than living in a small country or a town, but it also bring material and psychological problems. There is no one who could help cooking or do the laundry for the people who work outside. When they are not doing well in their work, they cannot get any advice or help from their parents. Above all, they cannot enjoy the fun and happiness of living together with their family members, especially their children. Lack of such familial support, it is not surprising that many migrant workers consider themselves as strangers in the big city.
  Of course, it would be an ideal solution if the society could provide migrant workers and their family members jobs and social securities that could help them settle down in the big city.But considering China’s economic development and the population, it is simply unrealistic to achieve this goal in the foreseeable future. China’s old people who are over 60 has grown to 200 million in 2014 and will continue to grow in the near future. In 2050, the number would reach to an unprecedented 430 million, accounting for 30% of the total population. The big cities would be overwhelmed if China’s future urbanization tries to migrate most of the elderly into the big cities.
关键词:营销,服务,服务意识  前言:  当今社会,产品异常丰富。人们在消费的同时,更多的是希望获得在消费过程中的愉悦感。希望得到优质产品的同时也能享受优质的服务。因此,对营销人员的服务质量也有了更多的要求。任何产品都需要销售,而销售一般都是通过营销人员来实现的。但目前的很多营销人员最缺乏的就是“服务意识”。它甚至能决定整个营销过程的最终结果。营销中的服务意识就是说,以向顾客提供服务的态度去营销自
地址 :黑龙江省绥化市北林区工农东路148号黑龙江第二技师学院学生科电话:15945508719  【摘要】 数学知识和数学思想在工农业生产和人们日常生活中有极其广泛的应用。文中通过对机械制图课程与数学相关的主要知识点的分析,提出中职机械类专业数学课程教学的设置应包含立体几何、投影几何等的相关知识点,从而构建与专业相结合的教学内容的渗透。  【关键词】数学 应用 机械制图 几何体  一、前言  
摘要:随着现代教学技术的广泛应用,传统的教学模式、教学方法、教学手段等也必将发生根本性的改变,那种因循守旧的教学模式将被彻底打破,鉴于此,我校电子商务专业(以下简称电子商务专业)的教学改革将列入教学工作重点。半年来,电子商务专业在教学改革中做出了许多工作,其中成绩突出的要属电子商务专业课程内容的改革,除增加新的课程以外,更主要的是将一些淘宝创业的内容重新整合,引入日常教学。  关键词:淘宝创业;电
摘要:新课改背景下,不同版本的教材进行改革,为教师的教学提供了丰富的选择资料,但是在实际的教学工作中也出现了一些问题。本文对仁爱版初中英语教材教学实践中出现的问题进行了概述,同时分析了其问题形成的原因,并提出了相应的解决措施建议。  关键词:初中英语教材;教学实践;心得  仁爱版英语教材是北京市仁爱教育研究所针对新课标研发的一套全新的标准实验教科书,初中版英语教材中拥有丰富的话题,课后活动比较新颖
摘要:新的教育形势对教师素质提出了更高的要求,教师个人发展离不开教育科研能力。本文从高职院校教师科研能力的现状分析出发,探讨高职院校教师科研的现状,提出培养与提高高职院校教师科研能力的方法与途径,努力提高高职院校教师的科研能力,以研促教。  关键词:高职院校;教师;科研能力;培养  高等职业教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,在我国实用型人才的培养中起着重要作用。以培养适应生产、建设、管理、服务第一
摘要:随着改革开放进一步深入,我国对各类高素质人才的需求也与日俱增,在这样的大环境下,成人英语教育行业逐渐成为现代人提升英语能力的主要途径之一。多年的检验,成人英语教育满足了社会人对于学习的迫切要求,也为社会主义现代化培养了大批人才。但是,同样存在很多问题需要我们面对。本文通过对我国成人英语教育的剖析,分析了英语教育未来的发展方向。  关键词:成人英语;教育;发展方向    引言  随着全球一体化
摘要:当前发展现状中的主要特点,对投融资方式、工程造价和系统安全等方面的工作进行了总结,并对我国城市轨道交通发展的有关对策提出了建议,指出应制定城市轨道交通的战略发展目标,加强宏观协调,加强理论研究和基础建设工作,进一步推动城市轨道交通装备技术的发展。  关键词:城市轨道交通;发展对策;装备技术  我国的城市轨道交通,经历了40多年的发展历程。目前,全国城市轨道交通运营里程已达1000多公里。预计
摘要:语言与文化紧密相连。文化是语言的根基,制约着语言的发展。英语教学不仅仅应当教授学生这门语言本身,还应注重对学生文化能力的培养。但是长久以来,高校英语教学往往忽视了文化教学的重要性。本文首先以云南大学旅游文化学院为例分析阐述了目前大学英语课堂中文化教学存在的问题,并在此基础上提出一些可行性应对的策略,希望对今后的大学英语教学有所帮助。   关键词:大学英语;文化教学;必要性;问题;策略    
油田企业作为国民资源型产业,是技术和劳动密集型行业。油田生产的特殊性和发展的“先行性”,对劳动保护工作提出了新的挑战。企业基层工会能否切实履行维护职工劳动保护权这一重要职责,对保持稳定、实现“安全发展”、创建和谐企业有着极为重要的意義。   一是要加强健康知识宣传教育。确保基层职工的施工安全,除了制度约束,更好的方式就是感情关心职工,人性化管理往往比制度约束更能深入人心。如第二天要施工,头一天应该