
来源 :林业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dishunzhaopin
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用我国现行一元立木材积表估计林分或样地的立木材积偏差很大,而直接利用二元立木材积表,则野外实测树高的工作量又太大。本研究针对这一实际问题,提出了通过建立可变参数相对树高曲线模型,将二元立木材积表直接用于林分或样地立木材积估计的方法,其估计精度可达到接近实测树高曲线法的水平。研究提出的可变参数相对树高曲线模型结构通式为:RHi=。 Estimated the stand volume of stand or plot with the current one-block stand in our country, there is a big deviation. However, if we directly use the binary stand-up table, the workload of field measurement is too large. In order to solve this practical problem, this study proposes a method of estimating the timber volume of stands or plots by establishing a relative tree height curve model with variable parameters, and the estimation precision can be approached to the measured tree height The level of the curve method. The structural formula of the relative tree height curve model proposed by the research is: RHi =.
Through shipping regulations,coastal states such as Russia and Canada have established exclusive jurisdiction over the Arctic passages. With the opening of the
The Paris Agreement reflects a basic international consensus on climate change. Its implementation will reform international climate cooperation in a profound w
多米尼克(DOC) DOC·1 01.1.2蛇年生肖小版张(含票4枚)$1.20×4中国清代画家华岩《蛇》画。DOC·2 01.2.1香港国际邮展·海洋生物小版(含票6枚)$2×6各种海洋生物,边纸:展徽
1病历资料患者男,46岁。以“晕厥5min”于2005年8月7日22时入院。患者30min前由坐位站起解小便时突发神志不清,跌倒在地。家属当即发现患者呼之不应,无手足抽搐,无 Patient
高校纪检监察工作的转职能,就是突出主业,强化监督和执纪问责;转方式,就是正确履职,提高监督执纪效率;转作风,就是树立形象,提高纪检监察干部队伍的自身素质。 The function