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1920年1月,天津的革命运动已经发展成为声势浩大的抵制日货的反帝爱国洪流。1月23日晚上,各界群众代表在魁发成洋货铺查出了没有登记的日本货后按规定要没收,不想该店老板不但拒不交货,而且还勾结日本人殴打了检查人员。次日,各界群众代表8人到省公署请愿,直隶省长曹锐却下令逮捕了请愿代表,同时,天津警察厅还逮捕了散发传单和发行《天津学生联合会报》的青年学生多人,并查封了天津学生联合会和各界联合会。反动当局这种疯狂镇压人民爱国运动的行为,激起了天津各界爱国群众极大愤怒。 为营救被捕代表,1月29日,天津学生联合会和各界联合 In January 1920, the revolutionary movement in Tianjin had developed into a massive torrent of anti-imperialist and patriotic boycott of Japanese goods. On the night of January 23, mass representatives from all circles found unregistered Japanese goods in Kuifa into foreign markets and then required to confiscate them. They did not want the shop owner not only refused to deliver but also colluded with Japanese people who beat the inspectors. On the next day, eight people from all walks of life went to the provincial government office for petitions, while Zhili Governor Cao Rui ordered the arrest of petitioners. At the same time, the Tianjin Police Department arrested a large number of young students who distributed leaflets and issued “Tianjin Student Union” , And seized the Tianjin Student Federation and the Federation of all walks of life. This crazy act of suppressing the patriotic movement of the people by the reactionary authorities has aroused the great anger of the patriotic masses in all circles in Tianjin. In order to rescue the arrested representative, January 29, Tianjin Student Federation and all walks of life union
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中纪委五次全会指出:“企业领导干部廉洁自律十分重要,不少企业由于厂长自身不廉洁而造成职工群众不满,致使企业陷入困境。”全会同时还指出,“反腐倡廉无禁区”。 对企业的
毛泽东同志说: “我一个人吃了不舒服啊!” 1960年到1962年3年自然灾害期间,一天毛泽东对他的警卫说:“我不吃猪肉和鸡子,猪肉和鸡可出口换机器。我看有米饭,有青菜,有盐有油
An approach of modeling viscosity, unsteady partially cavitating flows around lifting bodies is presented. By em ploying an one-fluid Navier-Stokers solver, the