Effects of coal prices on merchandise prices in China

来源 :Mining Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:soundbo
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Coal is the principal form of energy used in China. Hence, coal price variations are expected to have some influence on merchandise prices. Monthly data from January, 2002, to October, 2010, were used to con- struct a varying-parameter state space model, and an error correction model, to estimate the influence of coal prices on Chinese merchandise prices. The time lag and the dynamic relationship were determined from the data. A long term equilibrium relationship between coal price and the PPI, and the CPI, can be observed. The long term influence of coal price fluctuations on the PPI is 0.263%. The corresponding value for the CPI is 0.157%. The PPI shows an influence from coal price change in the first period of observation: by eight periods the influence is obvious, after which it diminishes. The effect of coal price change on the CPI is rather weak and has no long term memory. Analysis of variance shows a similar situation. The elas- ticity coefficient of coal prices on the CPI, or the PPI, fluctuates over the 2002-2004 period. From 2002 to 2007 the influence elasticity on the CPI declined and subsequently levelled off after 2009. Coal, the coal is the principal form of energy used in China. Monthly data from January, 2002, to October, 2010, were used to con- struct a varying-parameter state space model, and an error correction model, to estimate the influence of coal prices on Chinese merchandise prices. A long term equilibrium relationship between coal price and the PPI, and the CPI, can be observed. The long term influence of coal price fluctuations on the PPI is 0.263%. The corresponding value for the CPI is 0.157%. The PPI shows an influence from coal price change in the first period of observation: by eight periods the influence is obvious, after which it diminishes. The effect of coal price change on the CPI is rather weak and has no long term memory. Analysis of variance shows a similar situation. The elas- ticity coefficient of coal prices on the CPI, or the PPI, fluctuates over the 2002-2004 period. From 2002 to 2007 the influence elasticity on the CPI declined and subsequently levelled off after 2009.
五大酒庄的酿酒之道,折射了一个百年豪门的从容,而其产品在华所受到的热捧,则能反映一个新兴经济体的狂躁。木桐酒庄总经理菲利普.达鲁温(Philippe Dhalluin)来华次数不多,每
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