
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(心脏病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mangshengsun1
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Aims: We sought to evaluate the utility of contrast-enhanced coronary magnetic resonance imaging(CE-MRI) for selective visualization and non-invasive differentiation of atherosclerotic coronary plaque in humans. Methods and results: Nine patients with coronary artery disease(CAD) as confirmed by X-ray angiography and multidetector computed tomography(MDCT)were studied by T1-weighted black blood inversion recovery coronary MRI before(N-IR) and after administration of Gd-DTPA(CE-IR). Plaques were categorized as calcified, non-calcified, and mixed based on their Hounsfield number derived from MDCT. With MDCT, a total of 29 plaques were identified, including calcified(n=6), non-calcified(n=6), and mixed calcified/non-calcified(n=17). On N-IR MRI, 26 plaques(90%) were dark, whereas three plaques(two non-calcified and one mixed) appeared bright. On CE-MRI, 13/29(45%) plaques, 11 of which were mixed, one non-calcified, and one calcified showed contrast uptake. All others remained dark. Conclusion: In this preliminary study, we demonstrate the potential utility of CE-IR MRI for selective plaque visualization and differentiation of plaque types. The observed contrast uptake may be associated with endothelial dysfunction, neovascularization, inflammation, and/or fibrosis. A sought: assess the utility of contrast-enhanced coronary magnetic resonance imaging (CE-MRI) for selective visualization and non-invasive differentiation of atherosclerotic coronary plaque in humans. Methods and results: Nine patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) as confirmed by X-ray angiography and multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) were studied by T1-weighted black blood inversion recovery coronary MRI before (N-IR) and after administration of Gd-DTPA (CE-IR). Plaques were categorized as calcified, non-calcified, and mixed based on their Hounsfield number derived from MDCT. With MDCT, a total of 29 plaques were identified, including calcified (n = 6), non-calcified (n = 6), and mixed calcified / non-calcified (n = 17) On N-IR MRI, 26 plaques (90%) were dark, three plaques (two non-calcified and one mixed) 11 of which were mixed, one non-calcified, and one calcified showed contrast uptake. All others remained dark. Conclu sion: In this preliminary study, we demonstrate the potential utility of CE-IR MRI for selective plaque visualization and differentiation of plaque types. The observed contrast uptake may be associated with endothelial dysfunction, neovascularization, inflammation, and / or fibrosis.
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