Extraction and characterization of alumina nanopowders from aluminum dross by acid dissolution proce

来源 :International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guoguo10
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A significant amount of aluminum dross is available as a waste in foundry industries in Bangladesh. In this study, alumina was extracted from aluminum dross collected from two foundry industries situated in Dhamrai and Manikgang, near the capital city, Dhaka. Aluminum dross samples were found to approximately contain 75wt% Al2O3 and 12wt% SiO2. An acid dissolution process was used to recover the alumina value from the dross. The effects of various parameters, e.g., temperature, acid concentration, and leaching time, on the extraction of alumina were studied to optimize the dissolution process. First, Al(OH)3 was produced in the form of a gel. Calcination of the Al(OH)3 gel at 1000°C, 1200°C, and 1400°C for 2 h produced θ-Al2O3,(α+θ)-Al2O3, and α-alumina powder, respectively. Thermal characterization of the Al(OH)3 gel was performed by thermogravimetric/differential thermal analysis(TG/DTA) and differential scanning calorimetry(DSC). The phases and crystallite size of the alumina were determined by X-ray diffraction analysis. The dimensions of the alumina were found to be on the nano level. The chemical compositions of the aluminum dross and alumina were determined by X-ray fluorescence(XRF) spectroscopy. The microstructure and morphology of the alumina were studied with scanning electron microscopy. The purity of the alumina extracted in this study was found to be 99.0%. Thus, it is expected that the obtained alumina powders can be potentially utilized as biomaterials. A significant amount of aluminum dross is available as a waste in foundry industries in Bangladesh. In this study, alumina was extracted from aluminum dross collected from two foundry industries situated in Dhamrai and Manikgang, near the capital city, Dhaka. The effects of various parameters, eg, temperature, acid concentration, and leaching time, on the extraction of alumina were studied to about contain 75 wt% Al2O3 and 12 wt% SiO2. Calcination of the Al (OH) 3 gel at 1000 ° C, 1200 ° C, and 1400 ° C for 2 h produced θ- Al 2 O 3, (α + θ) -Al 2 O 3, and α-alumina powder, respectively. Thermal characterization of the Al (OH) 3 gel was performed by thermogravimetric / differential thermal analysis (TG / DTA) and differential scanning calorimetry phases and crystallite size of the alumina The dimensions of the alumina were found to be on the nano level. The chemical compositions of the aluminum dross and alumina were determined by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy. The microstructure and morphology of the alumina was studied with scanning electron microscopy. The purity of the alumina extracted in this study was found to be 99.0%. Thus, it is expected that that obtained alumina powders can be potentially utilized as biomaterials.
<正> 屈大均,字翁山、冷君、介子,号华夫,菜圃、罗浮山人,祖籍广州府番禺县沙亭乡人。其父屈遇宜,幼年为南海县邵氏所收养,改姓邵氏。屈大均生于明崇祯三年九月五日(1630年10月10日)南海县之西场,初名邵龙,号非池,南明弘光元年、隆武元年、清顺冶二年(1645年),以十六岁补南海县生员,次年广州为清军所陷,隋父返回番禺沙亭祖籍,并正式归宗,改姓屈氏。屈大均卒于康熙三十五年五月十六日(1696年6月15日),年六十七岁。屈大均生于明清之际民族矛盾尖锐的时代,他在社会、师友、家庭的熏陶影响下,
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