第二批海绵城市建设先进适用技术与产品颁布 混凝土砌块(砖)类产品及技术入围数量和企业大幅增加

来源 :建筑砌块与砌块建筑 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinxiangjinshu
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住建部科技与产业化发展中心于九月公布第二批《海绵城市建设先进适用技术与产品》,透水路面用混凝土路面砖(板)和池塘等集水设施用生态护坡(挡墙)砌块,有多家企业的产品入围。其中,仅“透水路面砖”一项,入围企业数量超过了十家,是单项技术(或产品)中,申报、入围企业最多的。各地都将“透水性路面”技术,作为当地海绵城市建设工程最优先考虑采用的技术(或产品)。在第二批“先进技术与产品”中,出现了针对“透水铺装专用清洗车”等新增项目。 In September, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Science and Technology and Industrialization Development Center announced the second batch of “advanced and applicable technologies and products for sponge city construction”, ecological slope protection (retaining wall) blocks for water-collecting facilities such as concrete pavement (boards) , Many companies have finalists. Among them, only “permeable pavement brick” one, the number of finalists more than ten, is a single technology (or product), to declare the most short-listed companies. Everywhere, “Permeable Pavement” technology is the highest priority technology (or product) to use for local sponge urban construction projects. In the second installment of “Advanced Technologies and Products”, there appeared new items such as “Permeable Paving Cleaner” and other items.
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