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秦汉时代,封建中央集权制的统一国家代替了地方割据称雄的封建诸侯,社会经济迅速发展,人们改造自然的能力也随之进步。当时,在全国经济较发达的地区,森林遭到过度砍伐,自然灾害频繁发生,自然环境发生了重要的变化。自然灾害频繁发生的原因是什么?人们经济活动对自然环境发生了一些什么影响?人们是怎样认识和处理自然环境问题的?当时与自然灾害作斗争的主要措施是什么?上述问题给后人留下了什么启示?对此,本文拟作如下简略的探讨。 In the Qin and Han dynasties, the unified state of the feudal centralization system replaced the feudal princes who ruled by local rulers. The social economy developed rapidly, and the ability of people to transform nature also improved. At that time, in the more developed regions of the country, forests were over-cut, natural disasters occurred frequently, and the natural environment had undergone important changes. What are the causes of frequent natural disasters? What impact does people’s economic activities have on the natural environment? How do people recognize and deal with natural environment problems? What were the main measures to combat natural disasters at that time? What kind of enlightenment? In this regard, this article intends to make a brief discussion.
The Second US-Sino Joint Seminar on Technical Innovation held in Washington DC co-chaired by Prof. Lewis Branscomb of Stanford University and Prof. Zhu Zuoyan,
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China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE) signed 8 agreements and memorandums with someinstitutes of Italy、Korea、Russia、Canada and USA. CIAE organized success
The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) has approved the major Sino-Italian international cooperative research project “YangBa Jing Full Cover