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一题多解,可以开拓学生解题思路,培养学生思维的灵活性和独创性。许多老师在数学教学中重视和加强了一题多解的训练,这对提高学生的解题能力,发展学生的智力,都是大为有益的。但是,我们听课发现,有些老师在一题多解训练中存在着如下三个问题:一是只重视题目的多种具体解法,忽视解题思路的训练;二是盲目追求解法多,忽视解法优劣的比较;三是局限于少数尖子学生,忽视让大多数学生得到锻炼。这些问题的存在,不同程度地影响了一题多解训练的作用和效果。为此,我们建议在一题多解训练中应注意以下三个问题。一、要注重解题思路的训练。一题多解是手段,不是目的,目的是开拓学生的解题思路,发展学生的智力,提高学生的能力。因此,教学中应在训练学生解题思路上多下功夫、花力气,不能就题 A multi-solution, you can explore the students problem-solving ideas, develop student thinking flexibility and originality. Many teachers attach importance to and strengthen the training of one problem and multiple solutions in math teaching, which is of great benefit to improving students 'ability to solve problems and developing students' intelligence. However, during the lectures, we found that some teachers have the following three problems in training one problem and multiple solutions: one is to pay attention to many specific solutions to the problem and neglect the training of solving problems; the other is to blindly pursue more solutions and ignore solutions Poor comparison; third is limited to a few top students, ignoring the majority of students get exercise. The existence of these problems has affected the effect and effect of one problem and multiple solutions training in varying degrees. For this reason, we suggest that you pay attention to the following three questions in the training of multiple answers. First, we must pay attention to solving the problem train of thought. A multi-solution problem is a means, not an end, the purpose is to develop students' problem-solving ideas, develop students' intelligence, improve students' abilities. Therefore, teaching should be in training students to solve the problem of thinking more effort, effort, not on the subject
新闻缘起 在过去的十几年中,公益类院所进行了一些改革的探索,如开展技术有偿转让和服务、实行课题承包制、创办科技产业等,并取得一定成效。据1999年决算数据,在公益类院所
为满足广大 B 超维修工程技术人员和临床超声医师学习 B 超诊断技术基础知识以提高维修及诊断技术水平的需要,定于7月28日~8月3日在北京北海幼儿园院内举办 B 超诊断技术基础
Linear graphs are often used to depict conversion graphs and travel graphs. Example: The following graph shows the conversion between the Singapore dollar (S $)
各州、市人民政府、教育局:  经省人民政府同意,现将《云南省减轻中小学生课业负担增强青少年体质的规定》印发给你们,请遵照执行。    云南省减轻中小学生课业负担增强青少年体质的规定    总 则  为了全面贯彻教育方针,全面推进素质教育,切实减轻中小学生课业负担,促进中小学生身心健康发展,提高学生综合素质,根据《中华人民共和国义务教育法》、《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》和《中共中央国务院关于加强
纵观几年来的语文试题,仿写句子成为语文考试的一种趋向。本文作者根据自己多年教学经验,写下本文,希望能给众多考生提供一些帮助。 Throughout the years of the language