人事部 财政部 农业部关于2001年调整水产事业单位船员工资标准的通知

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各有关省、自治区、直辖市人事厅(局)、财政厅(局),水产、农业厅(局),农业部所属水产事业单位:根据国务院关于调整机关、事业单位工作人员工资标准的决定和《国务院办公厅转发人事部、财政部关于调整机关事业单位工作人员工资和增加离退休人员离退休费四个实施方案的通知》(国办发[2001]14号)精神,结合水产事业单位船员的实际情况,现将调整水产事业单位船员工资标准的有关问题通知如下:一、调整工资标准办法从2001年1月1日起,调整水产事业单位船员的职务工资标准(调整后的工资标准见附件一、二)。工资构成中固定部分调整后,活的部分按国家规定的工资构成比例相应提高。二、其他有关政策问题(一)水产事业单位船上新参加工作人员的见习期工资标准和初期工资标准相应提高。提高后的见习 According to the decision made by the State Council on adjusting the salary standards for staff and workers in institutions and public institutions and the relevant departments of fishery and fishery departments (bureaus), fisheries and agriculture departments (bureaus) and fisheries institutions under the Ministry of Agriculture, Notice of the Ministry of Finance of the State Council on Forwarding Personnel Departments and the Ministry of Finance on Adjusting Salary of Staff and Workers in Institution Organs and Increasing Retirement Fees of Retired Personnel (Guo Ban Fa [2001] No. 14) The actual situation, we will now adjust the aquaculture crew salaries standards of the relevant issues are notified as follows: First, the adjustment of wage standards From January 1, 2001 onwards, adjust the position of the crew of the aquaculture industry wage standards (adjusted wages see Annex One or two). After the adjustment of the fixed part in the composition of wages, the proportion of live parts shall be correspondingly increased according to the proportion of wages set by the state. Second, other relevant policy issues (A) the new probationary period wage standards and initial wage standards of aquatic institutions newly joined staff increased accordingly. Improved trainee
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