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对于地市级党报来说,领导活动是新闻的富矿,事关城市的发展、民生的改善、社会的稳定繁荣等各方面的大事,所以,领导活动的报道往往是地市级党报重要的新闻,常常放在重要位置、重要版面刊发。然而时下很多领导活动的报道腔调生硬,程式化、公式化倾向严重,缺乏亲切感,没有人情味,不仅读者心生厌倦,领导本人也不见得喜欢。这样的报道不仅影响“大政方针”的传播,而且也会拉远领导在普通群众中的距离,还会影响地市级党报在群众中的影 For the municipal party newspaper, the leading activity is the news of the rich ore, related to the development of the city, improving people’s livelihood, the stability and prosperity of society and other major events, therefore, the reporting of leadership activities are often important news of the municipal party newspaper , Often on the important position, the important edition is published. However, the reports of many leading activities nowadays are hard-tongued, stylized and formulaic. They lack a sense of intimacy and no human touch. They are not only tired of their hearts but also their leaders themselves. Such reports not only affect the dissemination of “major policies ” but also distance the leadership among the general public and the influence of the municipal party newspaper on the masses
[Objective] To determine the content of mineral elements in Lycium barbarum L.from Ningxia.[Methods] Taking HNO3-H2O2 as the acid-soluble system,the sample was
黑芝麻和甘薯套种具有较好的经济效益,经过实验研究,从套种规格、品种选择、栽培管理等几个方面总结了黑芝麻和甘薯套种技术。 Black sesame seeds and sweet potato interp
The function of the 3 040 bp sequence at the upstream translation starting site (ATG) of the ZAG2 gene, isolated from the maize genome, was studied. The sequenc