Multiscale entropy based study of the pathological time series

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:saya1989
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This paper studies the multiscale entropy (MSE) of electrocardiogram’s ST segment and compares the MSE results of ST segment with that of electrocardiogram in the first time. Electrocardiogram complexity changing characteristics has important clinical significance for early diagnosis. Study shows that the average MSE values and the varying scope fluctuation could be more effective to reveal the heart health status. Particularly the multiscale values varying scope fluctuation is a more sensitive parameter for early heart disease detection and has a clinical diagnostic significance. This paper studies the multiscale entropy (MSE) of electrocardiogram’s ST segment and comparable the MSE results of ST segment with that of electrocardiogram in the first time. Electrocardiogram complexity changing characteristics has important clinical significance for early diagnosis. Study shows that the average MSE values ​​and the varying scope fluctuation could be more effective to reveal the heart health status. Particularly the multiscale values ​​change scope fluctuation is a more sensitive to reveal the heart health status.
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韩添任简介:韩添任,副教授中国工艺美术学会会员,中国雕塑学会会员,中国陶瓷协会会员。受聘成都大学美术学院。 Han Tim Ren Profile: Han Tim Ren, associate professor of
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