Five Steps to Cultivate Volvariella volvacea

来源 :Agricultural Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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Volvariella volvacea is a popular variety because of its distinct flavor, pleasant taste, higher protein content and shorter cropping duration compared with other cultivated mushrooms. It is also the most expensive mushroom in artificial mushrooms.With the development of economy and the industrialization of edible fungi, more and more straw mushroom has been cultivated in northern China, and southern mushroom is moving to northern areas. In this study, based on many years of cultivation experience, the high yield cultivating techniques of V. volvacea was summarized. V. volvacea cultivation consists of five steps, i.e.,composting, pasteurization, spawning, pining and harvesting. Volvariella volvacea is a popular variety because of its distinct flavor, pleasant taste, higher protein content and shorter cropping duration compared with other cultivated mushrooms. It is also the the most expensive mushroom in Artificial mushrooms.With the development of economy and the industrialization of edible fungi , more and more straw mushroom has been cultivated in northern China, and southern mushroom is moving to northern areas. In this study, based on many years of cultivation experience, the high yield cultivating techniques of V. volvacea was summarized. consists of five steps, ie, composting, pasteurization, spawning, pining and harvesting.
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摘要: 财政部门作为政府在会计监管中的重要力量,在实施会计监管过程中面临了许多新问题。通过对问题的分析从推进会计监督法制环境建设、构建政府监管为主导,以行业自律管理为补充的会计行业监管模式、建立对监管者的监督约束机制等方面提出相应的对策和建议。  关键词: 财政部门;会计监管  中图分类号:F20文献标识码:A文章编号:1671-7597(2010)0420186-01    有效的会计监管可以克