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苏武的绘画思想散见于其诗文题跋以及一些零散的言论中。沈子丞编《历代论画名著汇编》,只收了他一篇《论传神》。研读苏轼的那些有关绘画的诗文题跋以及零散言论,我在赞赏他对绘画艺术的真知灼见的同时,也不得不承认,他在不同时间、场合的一些说法是互相矛盾的。在我看来,苏轼绘画思想存在矛盾这并不奇怪,对这些矛盾视而不见或略而不论才值得奇怪;因为这些矛盾之处极有可能隐藏着反映苏轼绘画思想和宋代绘画具体情况的重要信息。 综观苏轼画论,其主要看法有以下几点: 区分文人(士夫)画与众工(画工)画。如“观士人画,如阅天下马……乃若画工,往往只取鞭策、毛皮……”“世之工人,或能曲尽其形;而至于其理,非高人逸才不能办……”这些言论中对士人画与画工画作了明确的区分对比。 推崇士人画,贬低画工画。主要理由是画工画拘泥于形似,“无一点俊发”,在对对象的把握上或能“曲尽其形”,不能掌握其“常理”。 在创作意态上,反对拘于物象,描头画角,提倡直抒胸臆,流露真性情。他在《自题郭祥正壁》诗中现身说 Su Wu’s painting ideas scattered in his poetry inscriptions and some scattered comments. Shicheng Cheng compiled “masterpieces compilation of all previous dynasties,” only received him an article “on God.” While reading the inscriptions on the poems of Su Shi and the scattered comments, I applaud him for his insights on the art of painting. At the same time, I have to admit that at different times, some of his statements contradict each other. In my opinion, it is not surprising that there are contradictions in Su Shi’s painting ideas. It is surprising that these contradictions turn a blind eye or are slightly different. Because these contradictions are most likely to hide important information that reflects Su Shi’s painting ideas and the concrete conditions of Song Dynasty paintings. Looking at the painting theory of Su Shi, the main points of view are as follows: Differentiating the literati (Shi Tu) painting and the workers (painter) painting. Such as “Guanzhong people painting, such as reading the world horse ... ... If the painter, often only to spur, fur ... ...” “The world of workers, or to the best of its shape; and as regards its reason, non-noble Yiyi can not do ...... ”These comments made a clear distinction between Scholarly Paintings and Drawings. Respected scholars paintings, belittling painterly paintings. The main reason is that painterly painting sticks to the shape, “without a little hair,” and can not grasp its “common sense” in grasping the object or “doing its best.” In the creation of the state of opinion, the object of restraint in the image, describe the angle of painting, advocate direct expressive, reveal true love. He said in his poem “Since the title Guo Xiang is the wall.”
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