Irrigation erosion of irrigated soils in the foothills of southern Kazakhstan

来源 :Journal of Arid Land | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:555jl
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This paper presented the results from the study of irrigation erosion of irrigated lands in southern Kazakhstan. The main purpose of the work is the conservation of the fertility of irrigated soils, and then the soils of the upper, middle and lower sections of the slopes at the experimental site were studied. Based on field investigations, authors studied the water resistance of aggregates of gray-brown soils and light gray soils before and after irrigation and qualitative indicators of changes in physical and chemical properties of structured soils in irrigation were determined by conventional methods of soil research. The results indicated that the changes in the physical properties of soils by using polymeric compounds created a fundamentally new opportunity to control water erosion of soils. The paper presented the results from the study of irrigation erosion of irrigated lands in southern Kazakhstan. The main purpose of the work is the conservation of the fertility of irrigated soils, and then the soils of the upper, middle and lower sections of the slopes at the experimental site were studied. Based on field investigations, authors studied the water resistance of aggregates of gray-brown soils and light gray soils before and after irrigation and qualitative indicators of changes in physical and chemical properties of structured soils in irrigation determined determined by conventional methods of soil research. The results indicated that the changes in the physical properties of soils by using polymeric compounds created a fundamentally new opportunity to control water erosion of soils.
国共合作的历史盛会1924年1月20日,在广州的历史上是—个不平常的日子。冬日的广州,虽然潮湿寒冷,但在这一天,街上洋溢着喜庆的气氛。 History of the cooperation between
抗日战争时期,我军的著名少数民族将领为中华民族的救亡图存,与日本侵略者进行了殊死的斗争,为抗日战争的伟大胜利立下了不朽的功勋。这些抗日将领分别是: 关向应,满族,辽宁
1961年,“三年特大自然灾害”达到了最严重的程度,城里的粮食更缺乏了,连低标准的口粮供应都发生了问题。1962年春,我所在的万县专区采取了一系列措施:将市里的高中学生全部迁到不通公路的邻县大山里去读书就食;组织失学失业(当时叫精减压缩)的城里人到本地区最偏远的城口县去就食并运粮回来。  我当年15岁,失学在家无所事事,为了多吃点粮食,就不管是否有那长途挑脚的能耐,和许多同龄的伙伴一起,毫不犹豫地