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一、“以工补农”不是“挤工补农”。当前有些乡镇企业靠农民集资和银行贷款建成的项目投产后,帐没有开始还,背上包袱没有卸,就有人上门要求企业拿出一部分资金用于“补农”。有的乡、村干部认为办乡镇企业,是为乡政府、村委会解决经费困难,增加“机动财力”,因而在收入分配上,把税后利润留给企业的数额很少,而是由乡政府、村委会拿回去自行支配。如此种种,“以工补农”实际上成了“挤工补农”。笔者认为,实行“以工补农”,必须坚持实事求是的态度,因地制宜,因企业制宜,不能一刀切。“以工补农”,只能在企业没有债务包袱、并有一定积累时,才能量力而行。二、“以工补农”资金要用到增强农业后劲上。据调查,有些地方的“以工补农”资金用于农 First, “labor subsidies for agriculture” is not “squeeze Gongnongnong.” At present, some township and village enterprises rely on peasants raising funds and bank loans to put into operation their projects. Since the account did not start yet, the burden on the back did not relieve. Someone came home and asked the enterprises to put aside part of the funds for “subsidizing agriculture.” Some townships and village officials think that the operation of township and village enterprises means that for the township government and the village committee to solve the financial difficulties and increase the “mobility and financial resources”, the amount of profit left after tax to the enterprises is very small in terms of income distribution. Instead, Township government, the village committee to take back to their own control. In this way, “using industry to make agriculture” actually became “squeezing workers to make agriculture.” In my opinion, we must adhere to the attitude of seeking truth from facts, implement the principle of “seeking employment through industry and supplement agriculture. ”Make use of industry to make up for agriculture“ can only be done if the enterprise has no debt burden and has accumulated a certain amount of time. Second, ”make up agriculture with industry“ funds should be used to enhance the stamina in agriculture. According to the survey, in some parts of the country, ”subsidies for agriculture" are used for farming
自1987年7月1日起,我行储蓄所进行了年度目标承包经营责任制的试点工作。主要内容是: 一、确定以三包、两定、一奖励为主要内容的责任制形式。三包就是:包年度储蓄增长额(一
陕北榆林市的一家宾馆里,许文斌显得略微有些紧张。摄影师在给他拍照时他频频笑场:“我有啥好拍的,你们应该去拍陕北民歌。”  他一口地道的陕北腔:“来到陕北,你们就一定要听一听这里正宗的陕北民歌。”不过,他也感叹,“现在的陕北民歌就只剩下腔调了,跟我们小时候听到的已经不大一样了。这些可都是陕北文化中的精华,要好好地保存下去。”  他是一位商人,纵横商场十多年,几经沉浮,心中却始终抱持着传统陕商回报桑梓
生命是穹宇间最珍贵的礼物。 维护和拯救生命便成了人世间最神圣的职业。 对于外科医生来说,每一次手术都是抢夺生命的攻坚战,精湛的医术可以挽救生命的黄昏,高尚的医德可以