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冷战结束以来,非洲国家出现了急剧的政治变革,部族冲突,社会动荡,经济陷入困境,人民生活极度贫困。然而,非洲国家探求政治变革,力求和平解决冲突,谋求经济发展,已成为当前非洲比较一致的认识。 多党民主制引发社会动荡 进入90年代,由于苏联解体和东欧巨变的催化剂作用,以及西方大国的强大政治压力,非洲大陆掀起了“民主化”浪潮。许多国家力图实行“多党民主制”,进行总统和全国议会的选举。90年代以来,非洲大陆有40多个国家引进了“多党议会制”。在“民主化”浪潮的激烈冲击下,非洲国家的政权相继更迭,一批新的国家领导人登上了政治舞台,原领导人有的在反对派的“枪口威胁下”被迫下台,有的受军方压力被迫辞职,有的逃往国外,有的在选举中败北,仅有个别的维持了原有的地位,还有的甚至被暗杀。新的国家领导人相对比较年轻,有的是经济技术专家,有的从事法律事务,一般颇受西方赏识。由于非洲国家是在匆忙的条件下推行“多党议会制”的,缺乏物质和 Since the end of the Cold War, the African countries witnessed drastic political changes, clan conflicts, social unrest, economic difficulties and extremely poor people’s livelihood. However, it has become a relatively common understanding in Africa today that African countries seek political change and strive for the peaceful resolution of conflicts and the pursuit of economic development. Multi-party Democracy Leads to Social Turmoil In the 90s, the “democratization” wave started on the African continent due to the catalyst effect of the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the drastic change in Eastern Europe and the strong political pressure on the part of Western powers. Many countries are trying to implement the “multi-party democracy” and carry out the presidential and national parliamentary elections. Since the 1990s, more than 40 countries in the African continent have introduced the “multi-party parliamentary system.” Under the intense impact of the “democratization” wave, the regimes in African countries successively changed. A number of new state leaders boarded the political arena. Some of the former leaders were forced to step down under the “muzzle threat” of the opposition, Some were pressured by the military to resign, others fled to other countries and some failed in the election. Only a few maintained their original positions, and some were even assassinated. The new national leaders are relatively young, some are economic and technical experts, and some are engaged in legal affairs, which are generally well received by the West. Since African countries are implementing the “multi-party parliamentary system” in a hurry, the lack of material and
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本文通过研究分析影响高中女生对篮球课的兴趣的因素,力图突破传统观念及其教学法的束缚,努力探索篮球教学的规律,提出趣味性教学法,以达到提高中学女生篮球兴趣的目的。 By