
来源 :Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:glggg
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Objective:The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of CD147 and matrix metalloprpteinsae 9(MMP-9) in children with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma(NHL) and the relations between expressions of CD147 & MMP-9 and the clinical indexes.Methods:Specimens excised from NHL patients were prepared.Expression of CD147 and MMP-9 were tested by SABC immunohistochemistry and its correlation to clinical results were analyzed in this report.Results:The positive rate of CD147 expression was 73%(45/62),and that of MMP-9 expression was 81%(50/62).There was a positive correlation between CD147 and MMP-9 expressions.CD147 expression intensity was linked to clinical myelo-infiltration,tumor size,LDH value,and clinical staging(P < 0.05),rather than children age,gender,or immune typing(P > 0.05);MMP-9 expression intensity was linked to myelo-infiltration,and clinical staging(P < 0.05),rather than age,gender,immune typing,tumor size,or LDH value(P > 0.05).Five-year survival rates were 78%(22/28) and 45%(15/34) in CD147(-)-(+) and(++)-(+++) cases respectively,and those were 84%(21/25) and 43%(16/37) in MMP-9(-)-(+) and(++)-(+++) cases respectively,the difference was significant.Conclusion:The elevated expression of CD147 and/or MMP-9 correlates with a poor clinical outcome in patients with NHL. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of CD147 and matrix metalloprpteinsae 9 (MMP-9) in children with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) and the relations between expressions of CD147 & MMP-9 and the clinical indexes. Methods : Specimens excised from NHL patients were prepared. Expression of CD147 and MMP-9 were tested by SABC immunohistochemistry and its correlation to clinical results were analyzed in this report. Results: The positive rate of CD147 expression was 73% (45/62), and that of MMP-9 expression was 81% (50/62). There was a positive correlation between CD147 and MMP-9 expressions. CD147 expression intensity was linked to clinical myelo-infiltration, tumor size, LDH value, and clinical staging ( (P> 0.05), not than children age, gender, or immune typing (P> 0.05); MMP-9 expression intensity was linked to myelo-infiltration, and clinical staging , tumor size, or LDH value (P> 0.05) .Five-year survival rates were 78% (22/28) and 45% (15/34) in CD147 (-) - (+) and (++) - (+++) cases respectively, 84% (21/25) and 43% (16/37) (+) and (++) - (+++) cases respectively, the difference was significant. Conlusion: The elevated expression of CD147 and / or MMP-9 correlates with a poor clinical outcome in patients with NHL.
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