
来源 :上海医药情报研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qj13143344
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自十年前人们首次了解艾滋病以来,医药学家们就一直在研究如何防止其感染和有效的治疗方法。然而,患者与感染人数却不断增加,疫情扩散趋势始终未减。据世界卫生组织(WHO)统计,在过去十年中,艾滋病患者人数增加了45倍,而感染人数则可能在本世纪末达到3000~4000万人。艾滋病将是二十一世纪人类所面临的最大威胁之一。截止今年7月底,全球艾滋病患者数累计达117万人,感染人数为1800万人。 WHO预测,从本世纪末到下世纪初,亚洲将成为艾滋病的多发地区。其它地区由于采取了预措施,艾滋病的感染和发病人数已呈下降趋势。但在人口众多、人口密度较高的亚洲,艾滋病却正在扩散。 Since the first human understanding of AIDS 10 years ago, medical scientists have been studying how to prevent infection and effective treatment. However, the number of patients and infections has continuously increased, and the trend of spreading the epidemic has not diminished. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of AIDS patients has increased 45 times over the past decade, while the number of people infected may reach 30 to 40 million by the end of this century. AIDS will be one of the greatest threats to humankind in the 21st century. As of the end of July this year, the cumulative number of AIDS patients in the world reached 1.17 million with an infection of 18 million. WHO predicts that from the end of this century to the beginning of the next century, Asia will become a frequent area of ​​AIDS. In other regions, the number of AIDS infections and their incidence has been declining due to pre-measures. But in Asia, where population and population density are high, AIDS is spreading.
金海湖畔水峪村的1万多亩山坡上 ,长着10万多株野生酸枣树 ,其中80 %嫁接了梨枣 ,成为远近闻名的“大枣村”。村里1999年出售梨枣2万多斤 ,收入近10万元 ,水峪村荒山开发协会在其中起了大
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同志们,朋友们: 今天我们大家怀着喜悦的心情在这里隆重集会,举行《唐加勒克诗选》汉文版首发式。首先请允许我向为本书的翻译与出版工作倾注了大量心血的各界领导,全体编译工作
在某种程度上 ,一部由先秦时代 ,甚至是历史更为悠久的年代里的作家所写的 ,关于在“道”的无穷智慧中解决一场事实上的血腥战争的小说 ,似乎更为真实可信 ,而任何一部产生于
一开始 ,人民文学出版社跟我商量开这个会 ,我还有顾虑 ,因为现在这类型的讨论会太多。但是 ,我参加今天的会 ,确实感到一种满足。这种满足 ,不是因为听人夸我 ,我已经过了人