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教育市场逐步开放,部分学校已出现招生难。技校、中专层次较低,遭遇“滑铁卢”首当其冲,连一批名气儿欠响的高校也出现了“半饥饿”状态。当然,置身于市场,如今干啥事儿(挣钱)都不容易。就招生而言,最难的还数技校这一块。前一阵子有个公开见报的统计数字,透露全国少说有半数的技校因“无米下锅”而被迫停办。然而,广东的技校却为生源爆棚而犯愁。全省184所各类技校在校生达16万人。连续两年,广东技校招生均 Gradual opening up of the education market, some schools have appeared enrollment difficult. Technical schools and technical secondary schools have a lower level and have suffered the brunt of “Waterloo”. Even some colleges and universities with less well-known names have emerged in a state of “semi-hunger.” Of course, exposure to the market, now what matters (earn money) is not easy. As far as enrollment is concerned, the hardest part is the technical school. A while ago, there was an openly-read statistics that revealed that less than half of the nation’s technical schools were forced to stop because of “no rice pots”. However, technical schools in Guangdong are worrying about their students’ unpleasantness. 184 various types of technical schools in the province reached 160,000 students. For two consecutive years, Guangdong technical school enrollment are
Objective: Ventricular filling takes place during the conduit and pump functio ns of the atrium. While studying whether relief of mitral valve obstruction impr
格雷格·韦伯(Greg Webb)八岁的儿子不明白他一再敲击爸爸的电脑键盘,屏幕为什么没有反应。韦伯是Sabre旅行网络公司(SabreTravel Network)的总裁,认为他的儿子对于设备没有
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【摘要】本文从唤起学生自信、激发英语学习兴趣;发掘学生自身能力;指导学 习方法;及时地给予鼓励性评价几个方面探讨怎样使中职学校的学生在英语课堂上能主动积极地参与课堂教学活动。  【关键词】培养 中职学生 自主参与 英语课堂 教学活动  【中图分类号】G633.41【文献标识码】A【文章编号】2095-3089(2012)11-0116-02  进入新世纪以来,我国的中等职业教育站在了一个新的历史起