
来源 :中国农村教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wxiaof
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几年来,我镇围绕“科教兴镇”的战略目标,大力实施了“科教兴农、科教兴企、科教兴办一切事业”的惠民工程,通过充分发挥农业、科技和教育部门的职能作用,大力开展多种形式、多层次的技术培训,走出一条具有地方特色的科教兴镇之路,有力地促进了农科教有机结合和地方经济的发展,加快了农民致富奔小康的步伐。特别是今年,我们依托镇成教中心和农技站、蚕桑站、兽医站举办镇级培训22期,培训3874人次。通过村农民技术学校培训160期,培训8000人次。推广使用新技术、新成果20项,创直接和间接经济效益6000万元,科教在工农业经济中的贡献比重越来越大;全镇涌现出了一大批各类种养专业户和先进企业,我们的主要做法是: In recent years, with the strategic goal of “rejuvenating the town through science and education”, the town has vigorously implemented the Huimin project of “rejuvenating agriculture through science and education, rejuvenating education through science and education and setting up all undertakings through science and education”. By giving full play to agriculture, science and technology and education , Vigorously carry out various forms and levels of technical training and get out of a road of building a prosperous town with science and education with local characteristics. This has effectively promoted the organic integration of agriculture and science education and the development of local economy, and accelerated the pace of farmers becoming well-to-do people . Especially this year, we rely on the town into centers and agro-technical centers, sericulture stations, veterinary stations held 22 training at the town level, training 3874 people. Through the village farmer technical school training 160, training 8,000 people. Promote the use of new technologies and new achievements of 20, creating direct and indirect economic benefits of 60 million yuan, science and education in the industrial and agricultural economy contribution to the growing proportion of the town emerged a large number of all kinds of planting and breeding specialized households and advanced enterprises, Our main approach is:
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