The Beijing Section of the Grand Canal

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  Same as the Great Wall, the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, crowned as one of the world’s four most magnificent engineering projects in ancient times, is the first, largest and longest artificial waterway in the world, as well as the only major waterway running from the north to the south in China.

  On June 22, 2014, the Grand Canal was inscribed on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List. According to UNESCO’s Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention, the Grand Canal bears witness to the migration and movement of people, supports the mutual benefits and continuous interactions among goods, thoughts, knowledge, and values, and facilitates cultural exchange and interactions across time and space which are embodied in both tangible and intangible heritage.
  It is said that the Great Wall and the Grand Canal are combined for the shape of the Chinese character “人” (ren, or human). Geographically, the Grand Canal runs from Beijing in the north to Hangzhou in the south, consisting of nearly 1794kilometers of waterways that connect the Hai River in the north and the Qiantang River in the south. It flows through six provinces and municipalities, including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang, linking five main river basins, namely the Hai River, the Yellow River, the Huai River, the Yangtze River, and the Qiantang River. The Grand Canal boasts a history of over 2500 years, dating back to as early as 486 BC when Fuchai, King of the State of Wu, ordered the construction of the Han Gou. Moreover, it is characterized by the cultures of States of Yan, Zhao, Qi and Lu, Central Plains and South of the Yangtze River. More significantly, the Grand Canal had a profound impact on national stability and unity, economic development, and cultural exchanges of ancient China, especially since the Sui Dynasty (581-618 AD).

  While the Grand Canal was designed for transportation in the first place, it brought about cultural exchanges as well. As the only waterway running from the north to the south in China, it witnessed a magnificent history of cultural exchanges across the country. For example, Yuan Opera originated in Beijing was brought down south along the Canal and evolved into the famous Nankun Opera, or the Kun Opera in the South. Later, Four Great Anhui Troupes traveled up north along the Canal with Hui Opera, which finally developed into Peking Opera, the Chinese national treasure. Throughout the history of Chinese civilization, it is easy to find out that a galaxy of magna opera was created in the regions along the Grand Canal, such as the four classic Chinese novels, and great poems of Xing Lu Nan and Qiang Jin Jiu by Li Bai and Chang Xiang Si by Bai Juyi. In this regards, the Grand Canal has served as a stage for cultural brilliance and a backbone of political, economic, and cultural exchanges, being a splendid chapter in the history of Chinese civilization.

  The prosperous scenes in the Beijing section of the Grand Canal were described thoroughly in ancient poems, “cargo ships and merchant ships gather in crowds; the Lu River is filled with travelers from countries all over the world” and “Oars outnumber fish in the East Sea and masts outnumber bamboo shoots on the Nanshan Mountain.” In ancient times, the Grand Canal was a lifeline for grain transportation from south to north, business travels, military supplies allocation, and irrigation, ensuring the sound operation of the imperial government= and safeguarding the stability of the capital city. When the Grand Canal took shape in the Yuan Dynastry, the tribute grain (caoliang) to the capital city was shipped to Tongzhou first, the northern end of the Canal, and then out of Tongzhou through the Outer Bai River, and right to the outside of the Guangxi Gate of the capital city through the Wenyu River and the Ba River. (According to The History of the Yuan Dynasty, the Bai River was branched in the east of Tongzhou. The outer branch was joined by influxes of three other rivers, the Wenyu River, the Jinzha River and the Xiaozhong River, so it was also called the Si River [Si refers to four in Chinese]. The inner and outer branches, also known as the Inner Si River and the Outer Si River, converge at today’s Hehezhan Village of Xiji Town.) After the Tonghui Canal was completed, the tribute grain was shipped through the Inner Bai River to the Quay of Zhangjiawan and then lightered along Tonghui Canal to Lake Jishuitan in the capital city. In late Yuan Dynasty, the Ba River and the Tonghui Canal became impassable due to siltation, so the central government built the New Canal of Jinkou with the end in Zhangjiawan. During the Yuan Dynasty, 13 large or medium-sized transit granaries were set up in Tongzhou, indicating the great importance of the town for canal transport of grain. Later, central governments of the Ming and the Qing Dynasties attached greater importance to the Grand Canal, so they established exclusive positions of the Canal Commander-in-Chief (Hedao Zongbing), Governor of Canal Transport (Caoyun Zongdu) and Assistant Minister of Granaries (Cangchang Shilang) to keep the Canal safe and smooth without risks from the Yangtze River, for the purpose of improving canal regulation and transport, and granaries management. In addition, the Tonghui Canal was reconstructed and a new stone-paved highway connecting Tongzhou and the capital city was built, making water and land transport more convenient. Central governments also established palaces, posthouses, business and trading areas, and quays for cargo and passengers in an area that stretched over 5 kilometers alongside the Grand Canal, with clear specialization and hierarchy, to ensure the acceptance and transfer of goods and transactions between the south and the north. In the meantime, large granaries were set up in Tongzhou, in which offices directly administrated by the Ministries of Works, Revenue, War, and the Department of Supervision were established to manage and protect the canal transport. As a result, the Beijing section of the Grand Canal made a tremendous contribution to the stability and prosperity of the capital city.

  Likening the Grand Canal to a person, the Canal itself is the body, while cultural relics and historic sites along the waterway, are bones and flesh. For instance, the Baifu Spring in Changping District, Lake Shichahai in Xicheng District, Lake Kunming, the Gaoliang River, and Randeng Tower, Xihaizi Park, and the Heritage Park of the Quay of Empress Dowager Xiao in Tongzhou District. Various relics of the canal culture survived and are well prserved today, including old waterways of several ancient canals, such as the Grand Canal, the Yongjiqu Canal, the Tonghui Canal, the Grain Canal of the Empress Dowager Xiao (From the East Gate of Nanjing to Zhangjiawan of Beijing), and the Ba River, the mound wall of the Northern Qi Dynastry, the ancient city of Tongzhou, and the old town of Zhangjiawan. Furthermore, there are tremendous tangible and intangible heritage along the Canal, such as Shandong Guild, the relic wall of Zhongcang (the Central Granary), Baotong Private Bank,Tongyun Bridge, Tongzhou Stone Tablet, dragon lanterns, bamboo hobbyhorses, Hanchuan (“boating on land”) folk dance, and Kaicao Festival, etc. Let’s starting our trip along the Beijing section of the Grand Canal.
【通州北关站】  通州北关站规划建设期间曾称为北关站,位于北京市通州区通州新城运河商务区核心区。  文化融合:三教庙  三教庙位于北京市通州区旧城北部的区域大成街北侧。此处因儒教的文庙(亦称学宫)、佛教的佑胜教寺(亦俗称塔庵)、道教的紫清宫(亦俗称红孩儿庙)三座独立的庙宇,近距离呈“品”字形布列在通州州治衙署的西围墙之侧而合称三教庙。佑胜教寺的西侧,耸立着燃灯佛舍利塔,由此形成了“三庙一塔”的古建
1茶农与茶。2茶王前的澜沧江百里长湖。  以往到茶王村都是我一個人,这次例外,带了两位捷克人,七位美国人。虽然是淡季,茶王村游客仍然络绎不绝。3200多年的茶王鹤立于村子的东南方,一年四季都有人立案焚香,行礼如仪。停车场到茶王900多米的道路两旁,摊点排列,摊主是刚完了授粉、薅草、除虫等一系列活计的农民,一片茶叶,让他们找到了另一条致富的路子。摊上所卖的产品除了传统的手工茶,更多的是一些手工制品,
炙烤溏心蟹腿配熟成100 天土豆。蟹宴料理(かに本陣友愛荘)。海胆寿司 鲑鱼子寿司,超强CP 组合。  2月初,充满期待地踏上北海道之旅。此次雪国之行,以一种不差钱但务求完美的心态计划了充实的行程,其中必不可少的便是觅食环节,想要吃遍北海道最著名的三大名蟹。充满野心的蟹宴之旅  尽管在日本渔市场的食材图鉴中,蟹类品种多达95种,但在北海道,常说的三大名蟹通常指北海道出产的鳕场蟹(帝王蟹)、毛蟹以
全长四百四十九公里的北盘江,因是珠江的双源之一而进入人们的视线。虽然北盘江长度只有另一源头南盘江的一半,但浓缩了众多的峡谷、世界级高桥,让我有了探秘它的冲动和欲望。  有多高的桥,就有多深的峡谷。可以说,北盘江有着世界上密度最大的峡谷:尼珠河峡谷、岔河峡谷、营盘峡谷、野钟大峡谷、阿郎坪峡谷、坝陵河峡谷、花江峡谷……  于是,我踏上了北盘江探秘的旅程, 八年间十余次的游走,区域覆盖云南宣威、沾益、富
他以文字名满全球,他的“蓝调”令万千人神迷忧伤。文字是他的符号,“跑者蓝调”何尝不是?  《当我谈跑步时,我谈些什么》是村上春树最受读者欢迎的随笔集。开始作家生涯之际,村上春树也开始长跑。从夏威夷的可爱岛,到马萨诸塞的剑桥;从村上市的铁人三项赛,到希腊马拉松长跑古道,他永远在奔跑。  村上春树,日本著名作家。生于1949年。29岁开始写作,处女作《且听风吟》获日本群像新人奖。1987年出版的《挪威
还在发愁假期去哪里?不如来感受南非式的奢华假期:从不匆忙,从不守旧,始终从容安适。南非有着各种各样的奢华体验产品,可以让你全身心投入休闲的假日,全方位满足你的需求。你可以在古老的合欢树下悠闲进餐,在奢华私人营地中体验丛林SPA;你还可以品尝南非享誉世界的葡萄酒,并与酒庄的精英们谈笑风生。同时,还有世界顶级厨师为你奉上各种具有非洲特色的美味佳肴……南非鸵鸟。烤架奈斯那生蚝美食在左 尽享舌尖盛宴  对
坚守脱贫攻坚一线,抓实疫情防控措施,扛起防汛救灾的“硬核”责任,加快复工复产步伐“把失去的时间抢回来”……在我们党迎来99岁生日之际,新时代的中国共产党人奋战在各个岗位上,苦干实干、攻坚克难,带领亿万人民向着全面建成小康社会奋力迈进。  习近平总书记强调,必须坚持人民至上、紧紧依靠人民、不断造福人民、牢牢植根人民。穿越历史风云,这是一个马克思主义政党的如磐初心,是共产党人矢志不渝的使命担当。  九
作为中国古典园林的造景元素,叠山广泛应用于各地园林,更是中国传统文化中的一门古老艺术。古代的叠山,主要存在于帝王权贵的宫苑宅邸。明清时期,江南许多官员、文人也喜欢在私家园林做假山,使叠山技艺逐渐由宫廷王府走向民间。如今,主要在公园和住宅小区出现。  山石韩叠山技艺,就是其中的佼佼者,自晚清传承至今,已有150多年的历史。山石韩的作品遍布大江南北,享誉行业内外,当今我们看到的大部分名园假山,几乎都是
1 8月芬兰的油菜花田。2芬兰的白桦林。没有护栏的高速路  芬兰很少有享誉世界的著名景观,所以,按计划跑景点,然后拍“到此一游”照片的跟团游,会让人很失望。但芬兰那些虽不出名而堪称为绝色的景致却无处不在,令我们开车自驾的人大喜过望,因为看到美景可以随时停车,边走边玩能够一路尽兴。  芬兰一号公路经过图尔库之后,便开始穿越国家公园,这100多公里的路程风景极美,因而被誉为“最美高速路”。“最美高速路